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Posts posted by rosie

  1. About 2 inches over night.

    Do you want me to post some down to you?


    Have you thought about buying it some wellies?



    I know wrong type of pig, but it is amall.




    PS would have added the picture but for some reason pkoto bit not working on this PC (IE9)


    LOL that's so sweeeeeeet! Yes please could you post some snow!

    Saw some snow laying around in fields today but roads all clear. The carpark had about an inch deep and I did sort of slip and slide into my parking space. tee hee!!!

  2. Snow all gone this morning :(

    Just left with soggy garden again which means I can't put the guinea pig out!

    Although am hoping it's not too bad on the main land as I have to drive to Alton this morning for a course!

  3. I feel left out

    Only got soggy grass here, I think the cubeletes feel hard done by too! They had plans to build snowmen and everything. Oh well never mind hope you all enjoy the snow and make sure you all stay safe. Someone build me a snowman and take a photo for me please?!!!!!

  4. That looks beautiful! Here is the view from my kitchen window!!! The Isle of Wight has disappeared which often means rain here soon!!! it's usually on the horizon with the sea in the centre of the photo. Sky looks ominous though!



    Love from Rosie x


  5. No snow here on the south coast, sky looks full of it though!

    Just been to local shop to stock up on supplies, you know Chardonnay, special offer beer, Pringles, crisps and a bottle of washing up liquid (cos we have run out!!)

    Stay safe and have fun!!! Pictures please :)



    Love from Rosie x

  6. I have found a bug!

    When using my phone with tapatalk to view forum I can't switch from new posts to forums using the buttons on the bottom of the screen. I can use the other buttons but the forum one just chucks me out of HMVF altogether :(

    I have an iPhone if that's of any use.



    Love from Rosie x

  7. Didn't you know that the top HMVF pole dancer sometimes known as Rosie has already had the tent booked for her performance through the management. Doesn't Jack tell you anything:banghead:. This first and only European performance was announced some time back and should satisfy the tankers:nut: and all others requirements testosterone fuelled or not.:trustme:


    Can we have the paramedics nearby so they can put my neck back in place and also someone with tweezers nearby to remove the splinters?!



    Love from Rosie x

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