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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Thanks Rosie, hopefully it will be at A&E next year , might be persuaded to let you have a drive if you play your cards right.;)


    Oi Oi Savaloy!!!! Looking forward to it already xx



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. A Chinook landed on or very near to the Lavant Straight at Goodwood as we were walking along the road on the other side of the hedge!!!!!!!!!! It was rather noisy!!!!!!!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. Just a quick update


    The cubed one is making good progress. All the rings are now back on the pistons and pistons hopefully will be put back in this afternoon (weather permitting)






    The cubed one has been off line cos I have decided to move the rooms about here and this has meant he has been evicted from the office!!!!!

  4. I know of at least 1 member who is a fire fighter with London Fire Brigade. I am sure there are members who live near the troubles to.

    Stay as safe as you can guys and hope you dont need to get involved in any way.


    I dont in any way want this thread to degenerate into a slagging off of police forces and fire brigades not doing their jobs, they are as best they can with the resources they have.

    Just want to send some Rosie love and hugs to those who may be close, or have to work in the areas involved.

  5. Hi R.Cubed


    If you really get stuck I have a good take out engine French rebuild, good oil pressure ect,just transfer all your ancillarys.




    Cheers Howard I will let him know. He is currently looking over the family car as its due its MOT, there's always something to get in the way hey!!!
  6. Happy Birthday to us!!!!!!!


    What I like about the forum is that we all help eachother, wether it is practical (moving things from one end of country to the other Love forever for that!!!) or with words of advice on how to fix or find things.


    A real community. Ok, we all have our bad times, but by and large we pull through.


    Thank you Jack, Lee, Joris, Snapper and others for having the forsite, guts and fortitude to start and maintain this wonderful place.






    PS, I hear Jacks paying for the drinks in the clubhouse tonight? mines 2 bottles of 35year Malt please!!!!

    I wont be so cheeky and just have a bottle of champagne brandy please this one will do




  7. Well happy birthday HMVF and huge congratulations to all who have made it happen and used the forum since and in the future.


    As a layydeeeee who really knows nothing about engines, the difference between series of vehicles, the size of tools (:nut:), or whether its post war or not! It can be quite daunting in the MV world, I stand around smiling as the cubed one discusses banjos, spanners and coils with a similarly dressed chap in the middle of a field somewhere in England or further afield. One thing that I have always noticed is that every one is warm and friendly towards myself and the cubelets. I have never felt pushed out or in the way during conversations (I might not understand a bleeding word you lot are saying though!!!!!) but can I just say thank you to those I have met and who have made me feel like a princess in a frogs world!!!!!!!!

    I have met some truly fantastic people who I may only see once in a blue moon but they always have a smile and puckered lips!!!!!!!

    Love you all guys :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:


    right pass the bucket


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