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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Clive as rosie and her Cubed clan are not camping now is there a possability of me Cubed-in-law putting a four man tent up in there place so rosie has somewhere to change and me to sleep in stead of the back of car, fingers crossed



    ahh good thinking Batman!!!! :kiss::kiss:


    No problems.


    Now the set-aside has been cut and having been on-site this evening setting up camp, I am confidant that there is no longer a problem with space!

    Thanks Clive. I am getting really over excited about this weekend now!!!!!!!!! It has a bit of a downer in the fact we will be without the truck but at least we will be there (and have the t-shirts!!!!!!)
  2. Just got my copy of Military Machines and there's a good report in it on Overlord 2011 and its seams the other show didnt do very well at all going by the article in the same mag ????

    Picked up the mag today, as you say a stonking report on Overlord :D

    I wont comment on the report on T&T.

    But there are a couple of photos of a very nice looking GMC, one on the contents page and one (ok its the same photo but printed twice!!!!) on the Overlord show report page!!!!!!!!!!! (driver looks a bit of alright to!:red::red::red:)

  3. Hornby has emerged as the winner of a £33bn contract to supply trains and infrastructure for ‘HS2′, a high speed rail link between London and the North of England. Previously known as the manufacturer of tiny little trains for the tabletop market the contract was awarded following Hornby’s assurances that they could build low cost accessible transport networks in 1:1 Gauge.


    The government immediately praised Hornby for their efficiency and emphasised the enormous boost of the project to workers in the crucial plastic church and artificial lichen industries.


    Hornby’s bid saw off the competition with its unique combination of electric power with convincing ‘chuffing’ noises, affordable pricing, if you actually look at the quality, and a model giraffe that ducks before tunnels. Most of the network is now in place after a couple of hours of reading instructions carefully and sticking new, brightly coloured decals on everything to stop it looking quite so ‘unrealistic’ or even ‘a bit boring’. However, some teething troubles remain: none of the doors on either the carriages or stations appear to open, disabled access is limited due to the wheelchairs being all glued up, and rail enthusiasts are opposing plans to scrap the original boxes the trains came in, which are taking up a large area of Surrey.


    Services on the new line will be operated by a big, plastic dial in a period signal box in Birmingham and Ministers past a certain age are queuing up to have a go. ‘I let my nephew run the 8.03 service from Manchester to Euston,’ explained the Transport Secretary Philip Hammond. ‘He set a new speed record of 320 miles an hour, and the train only fell off twice. I think we might need to add a bit more folded-up card under that tricky corner at Watford.’


    ‘Ministers were also impressed by our plans for calming local opposition to the route,’ explained Malcolm Dent, Hornby’s head of Planning and Training. ‘Where we’ve been challenged we’ve replaced hundrum, modern locomotives with Thomas the Tank Engine, and villages are now actually campaigning to have the line moved closer to them. That shouldn’t be a problem: the glue hasn’t set yet.’


    But ASLEF, the train driver’s union, remains criticical, and is demanding the return of neatly-uniformed, well-painted staff. Members were considering strike action, but have instead chosen to hide the big grey rubber needed to clean the tracks.


    While the dispute remains unresolved, commuters are being offered a replacement Corgi bus service, but heavy congestion is still expected on Scalextric’s new motorway network which runs parallel to the new railway and goes through forests, villages and under a large armchair just outside Cropredy. ‘With hindsight, we should probably have fitted fewer chicanes,’ apologised Hammond. ‘And come to think of it, perhaps putting a lap counter on the M25 might have been a mistake, but that’s the joy of all this, we can always take it apart and lay it out differently for a while until everyone’s had enough and wants to change it again.’


    Delicate negotiations are continuing between ministers and union leaders, but very quietly in case mum hears and takes their toys away.

  4. As the cubed gang will not have there own means of transport, I too (Rosie's father) will be looking for a ride on the outings, will like to take loads of photo's on the visits to the different airfields and on the drive between them, will be grateful to any offers.



    There is always room for a little one Dad!!!! I am sure we can squeeze on somewhere :D
  5. Hello Rosie.

    How is the re build going R Cubed did not seem to confident with his last write up


    Cube -in-law



    Well The cubed one called Rex today but sadly he is at a show so cant supply the parts needed tomorrow, this will mean that the truck and gun will not be making an appearance at Bolero (Oh dear that sounds like I am blaming Rex!!!!!!!! Sorry Rex :kiss:)

    We will however still be coming up and will stay in a hotel type something over the weekend. Wouldnt miss it for the world!!!!!

    So we will be looking for a truck to ride in (fuel money will be given of course), maybe a tent to change in on the Saturday evening.


    The up sides are:-

    We wont need to fork out £600+ to transport us up there (though I can guess where the savings are about to be spent, *Rosie blows more kisses at Rex!)

    The cubed one does not have to work like a nutter to get it all finished (which is lucky as I am on the razz tomorrow all day with girlies from work!)

    I get to sleep in relative comfort for the weekend, someone else cooks my breakfast and makes my bed :cheesy:

    See you in 7 days time!!!!!!!!



    The cubed one has just come in to borrow my permanent marker and said that all nuts and bolts have come off easily and he is about to remove the head which of course will reveal the pistons.......................................................................................................................................







    Head off, all looks clean and cylinders look smooth!!!! Pistons are about to be popped, all this yelled at me as he raced in to grab his camera!!!!!

  7. Come on R Cubed we all know that it can be done and the site would not be the same with that large empty space for your tent.



    :yay:Hiya dad!!!!!

    I am cracking the whip on him and he is working his little wotzits off. What we need is good weather (so he stays outside longer), all the nuts and bolts to come off easily and a very simple and quick change of whatever it is he needs (and of course for Rex to have the bits in stock!)

  8. I'd be more interested in how he knows a particular GMC 'served' on Omaha beach.


    Ah, I've just remembered, every other GMC, Dodge and Jeep landed on Omaha beach, usually with the 101st Airbourne....:rolleyes:

  9. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:



    Not looking good guys, the big end was right at the very limit of going bang by the sounds of it! Cubed has a spare engine, which he put on a stand and turned upside down and wondered what all the dripping noise was only to discover he didnt check if the engine was empty of oil :nut:


    Anyway he is about to come in for a roast dinner so will get a low down on matters.

    Mega thanks to G506 for his help today and of course Mrs G506 for allowing me to cuddle babies all day!!!!!!!


    have a cold guinees waiting for me mate ,or if I get there first I ll get your cola ,what are you drinking Rosie?

    errrmmmmmmm?????? I might have a chardonnay thanks!!!!!! No actually if you're buying make it a brandy and babycham!
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