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Posts posted by rosie

  1. No chance at W&P!!! Only 2 left now!!!!!!

    All the rum truffles I made have gone, a few peppermint ice left and the coconut ice cake all but gone to!!!!! I only cooked yesterday as well. Did donate some to the local pubs carol sing a long mind you.



    Love from Rosie x

  2. Gave up trying to open the home page on my lappy after 5mins of waiting!

    It's ok via my phone possibly slightly slower but manageable!

    As with others all other web sites and forums are fine.

    Sorry Joris, I know you are working hard to sort it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



    Love from Rosie x

  3. Loading up fine via phone. Dunno about laptop as I am still sat in bed eating breakfast, watching a male voice choir singing "last Christmas" on telly!!!!!!



    Love from Rosie x

  4. Its taken this long to get here and write this!!!! My laptop is with me on the sofa sat next to my phone!!!!!!!!

    its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  5. still pouring down here and actually seems to have warmed up a bit, not sure that is a good sign though. Doubt any snow would hang around now. Mind you havent actually looked outside, they could be massive snowflakes landing and not large blobs of rain! :nut:

  6. snow has been forecast down here overnight, at the moment it is chucking it down with rain so even if it does snow it wont lay, unless it freezes overnight I guess!

  7. :confused:" strange Im on the south coast and we have no wind and its been nice and sunny today and yesterday :confused:


    Oh yea, its not the same south coast :cool2:


    sorry couldnt resist when I read your location Rosie, ie sunny ;)

    Nutter!!!!:-D :-D


    We have lost 2 fence panels from the side, they have blown on top of my only bit of garden (we live in flats and so only have a small bit of garden!) hopefully the plants will survive. I was also concerned about the cubes truck canvas as it would have bourne the full brunt of the wind last night but it all is one piece today, although I haven't actually looked inside yet!!!!!!!!!!

    There is another storm due in on Thursday/Friday. The tides down here are on the high side at the mo too (although not as high as they can be)

    hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride folks. Stay safe

  8. It's blinking blowing a hoolie down here on the south coast. Local weather beacon (Chimet) registered a force 11 at just gone 9 tonight!!!!!!

    Windows are rattling, fence panels banging rain pouring. Weather forecast is not much better for the week!

    Stay safe everyone xx



    Love from Rosie x

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