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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


    OMG I love the museum, will have to get our group up there again and visit. Cant someone buy it all????!!!


    R-cubed giving a lesson to the cubelets about radial engines


    A lovely couple we met, he used to build these engines and they had not long celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary.


    The cubelets sitting inside an aircraft tyre!




    The view from the back of Clives truck during the convoy


    Lunch at Rattlesdon


    Some hunk I met there!


    Clive cooking, he is very good actually!!!


    Another father and son chat re engines, I think the cubed one was explaining it was a V 12 by the position of his hands!!!!






    posted this lot in the wrong forum last night and couldn't be bothered to sort it out!!!! So here it is all again here





  3. R-cubed giving a lesson to the cubelets about radial engines


    A lovely couple we met, he used to build these engines and they had not long celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary.


    The cubelets sitting inside an aircraft tyre!




    The view from the back of Clives truck during the convoy


    Lunch at Rattlesdon


    Some hunk I met there!


    Clive cooking, he is very good actually!!!


    Another father and son chat re engines, I think the cubed one was explaining it was a V 12 by the position of his hands!!!!












  4. Me and the boys skivved off school on Friday to come up to the event. :red:


    Sadly due to the truck engine being in pieces we came up in the family car, it took us 6 hours on the Friday due to the whole world heading northwards it seemed!!!!!! We arrived on the site and were given a wonderful cup of tea from Jerrykins, thank you very very much it was appreciated indeed! :kiss::kiss:


    Clive cooked us all dinner and then we went on to a brilliantly put together presentation again run by Clive. Unfortunately we needed to leave halfway as the cubelets were getting very tired. We returned to the site on Saturday morning and were very excited to learn that we were to be driven by Howard in Clives truck!!! The weather (as you have seen in N.O.S photos) was not on our side but that didnt stop the warm friendships, interesting stories, funny anecdotes and my dad taking photos of us all as we fell asleep at various times in the back!!!!!!!! I have a feeling that apart from us and my dad no-one else in the back of Clives truck are members on this forum, but they were a really nice bunch of people.


    Its a real shame the weather still wouldn't improve as we arrived at Eye and then on to Rattleston airfields, but again Clive doned his apron and cooked lunch for the troops. :)


    The cubes shot off to the Premier Lodge to bath and get changed for the Big Band Dance. The huge amount of people who turned up were not put off by yet more rain and they all enjoyed themselves. The lucky person who won the auction for a flight in the Mustang helped amazingly to raise money for the caner charity chosen, so well done to them and you lucky begger!!


    Sunday and the weather looked much more promising and again lots and lots of people turned up for the open day. Well as ever the rain showed up too but it didnt put anyone off nor the pilots, and watching the 2 mustangs take off was just spine tingling beautiful!!!!!!


    Well the time came for us to head home and at about 3.30ish we left for the journey home. I guess we took the weather all the way home to the south coast with us!!!


    It was wonderful to make new friends and catch up with old ones. Joris's 2 little chaps are gorgeous! Jack was in full form and looking good to!!!!! It was so nice to put faces to names and sorry to those who I didnt have a chance to speak to.


    The biggest thank you though must go out to Clive and Ed for putting the event on, Maurice for showing us his lovely planes, the farmer for allowing us to use his land. And last but not least the outriders for keeping us rolling on Saturday, well you guys. I will add photos when I have sorted them.

  5. Whilst travelling up north we have spotted several MVs heading south, presumably to Beltring. These include a Reo with large 2 wheel trailer on M25. Then a dodge and a jeep with trailer sporting 2 large red flags on the back of jeep on M11. Then we saw the regular army guys including an Oshkosh fuel tanker!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. Anyone attending the event from the West,

    Anyone coming from the East or North,


    What about the South????????? :nut:


    Only joking, we have our route set out and good old TomTom will surely take us on a tour of East Anglia!!!!!!!!

  7. Just packed the boys suitcases, camo overalls, camo coats, camo waterproof trousers, dark shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Right time to pack mine:-

    Rosie the riveter outfit and pink crocs!!!! :-D



    Jack you can join our group, you can be the lemonade quality control person. :cool2:

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