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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Well we defo gave her a good send off. I helped carry her coffin into the crem. I would have helped her get about so only felt fit I helped her on her final journey. Then we had a small informal shin dig afterwards, she would have approved!



    Love from Rosie x

  2. Well today we say our final farewell to Grandma. Up and down so far today. Instead of flowers with the coffin we have all put flowers in my aunts house for when we get back after, grandma loved flowers so it's only fitting we have them.

    Once again thanks for your support xxxxx



    Love from Rosie x

  3. HI Jack


    Thanks for the reply re: When we can camp. We will see you there Wednesday morning and if there is anything we can to to help in anyway please let us know and we will be more than willing.




    You could pick our tent up on the way past? I can map out where the sleeping compartment goes, where the carpet goes, where the kitchen goes and where the heater goes if it helps?



    Love from Rosie x

  4. paper work all sent off but i forgot to put the trench sizes in:( more stamps it is then


    What size do you want? Pm me with your real name and details and I will put your order in at the next club meeting :)



    Love from Rosie x

  5. Rosie


    You are obviously a very kind persom.

    Most women would make their husbands promise to take them to see the show in London as it involves a few nights away.




    Yeah but that would involve finding babysitters, time off work and loads of wonga!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would just be happy to go to the cinema one evening to be honest!!!!!



    Love from Rosie x

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