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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Hi Ray,

    not a pleasant job, saying goodbye to such a good friend. But yes, all went well, and I think he got the send off he deserved.

    Me and the cubed had a though for you earlier. It must have been a horrid day for you and everyone else (especially the family to). Big hugs for you lot when we see you next.


  2. Great work Clive and everyone involved.


    I have a saying that I use quite often and that is 'putting your c*ck on the block' and this is what you have done here and well done to you. To me it is these sorts of events that is the way forward - 99% less red tape and egos involved and it is geared towards 'us' I like that.


    Having lived on many pig farms it will feel like home :coffee:


    And yes the Honda 1.4 automatic (with CD player) has gone - what a legend that car was :cry: and yes I have bought a boy racer car for the occassion (with AA cover) - so instead of a five hour trip - should be there in about two hours :)


    @Rosy - you guys can come in the back of the GMC that will be chauffered driven by Neil and myself. Neil has promised not to wreck the gear box and I have promised not to run out of fuel........:whistle:


    Well done Clive - so looking forward to it!


    That is very nice of you Jack!!!!! I will be cracking the whip on the cubed one to make sure he tries his damnedest to get the GMC up there and running! But if all fails we would be honoured to ride with you guys!!





    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. Blimey your fingers must be on fire!!!!!!!!!


    Well done Clive (and everyone else involved) in getting this up and running. I am really looking forward to this event, BUT!!!!!!!!! The truck problems are playing on R cubes mind :cry: he doesnt want to spent a whole load of money hauling the truck and gun up there and then not be able to use it as its still poorly! He will begin the strip down this weekend and we will keep everyone updated. However, if the truck doesnt make it then we will travel up in civvy Audi power and find a local travelodge/premier inn/hotel whatever and blag a ride in one of the other trucks. So what ever we will be there!!!!!!



    I am sooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Already tried that, i swore at it and said "if you won`t behave then bugger off so i can get a scammell in the shed"

    next nut, the spanner slipped and she drew blood, (mine of course).

    i swear these bloody things are human,

    if i stick a trailer on the back it drives like a dream, take it off and it`s like a stallion on viagra.

    Mention a scammell or a DUKW and there are tears (normally of gear oil)

    Mention that her widest point is her back end and she goes absolutely loopy, give her a slap and she loves it.

    Hang on, am i still on the right forum????????


    more positive waves man.

    No, but show me where this other forum is!!!!!!!!!:cool2::cool2::cool2:
  5. shut up ,shut up please! one mention of a GMC with a slight head cold and my Diamond T comes up with man-flu.

    The lift pump is playing up , 4 little 3/8 nuts, 2 of which are so close to the bottom plate you can`t get a socket or a spanner on them means i had to take the fuel injection pump off.

    I ain`t doing that again so the planned pump overhaul has been brought forward 6 months.

    morals of this story are; just because it says Rolls Royce doesn`t mean it`s any easier to work on than a robin reliant.

    Big hands don`t fit into little gaps.

    Swearing at it and looking at it hoping it will miraculously fix itself doesn`t work.

    If one of your trucks breaks down don`t let the others know or they come out in sympathy for it.

    It`s all in hands of Colchester Fuel injection for now.

    knock it off with them negative waves moriarity, we`ll be there¬!

    Man flu is a figment of its imagination. Give it a hard kick and tell it to 'man up' !!!!


    Only joking! Sorry to hear the truck is poorly, hope its all sorted asap. :)

  6. I have seen the scar on Boombooms head this weekend!!!

    After reading this its made me laugh out loud again!!!! Mind you it did remind me of the time R cubes truck dislocated 2 and broke 1 of my fingers :mad::mad::mad:

  7. Just got back, an knackered!!! Way to hot today.


    Big congrats to Paul for such a wonderful event, definatly back next year!!.


    Nice to see Clive and Chris again, meeting Smithy was good to, but to top it all was finally meeting Rosie and Richard, hope you all got back safe.


    I think I had a bit of heat stroke, as I had to stop several times loading up to come home!!


    Dakota flypast was great, nearly dropped my camera on that last pass, hope the pilot didnt think he was at Arnhem!!


    Anyway piccys to follow as usual.


    Can I say, if anybody hasnt been to this one, and they have a free day/weekend next year, come to the show, you wont be dissapointed at what you see.





    We got back fine thanks Mark, and can I say huge thanks again for collecting the lighting set for us, Richard has been playing with it on and off all day (sounds a bit wrong that!!!) This forum truly is a God send ;)

    We had a good time yesterday, shame its so far for us really. :( But who knows, we may pop up again!

  8. I would report them to the show organisers, whether I knew them or not. I thought most shows stipulate that the vehicle should have current mot, ins and tax and that the rules of the road apply in the show ground??

  9. Yes many thanks to Paul & all his helpers. Paul you must be exhausted by now, you were on the go every time I saw you. Rosie I didn't knowingly see you but today heat & pollen took its toll & was mostly spent in the shade lying under the Wolf.


    So next year the 60 years of the Champ celebrations I believe.

    Saw you from afar yesterday, but you were busy chatting!!!!!
  10. As promised here are my piccys


    The Dakota flew over and a person waving like mad could clearly be seen!!!!

    its pink so I like it!!!!!

    These guys were great and posed especially for me

    The dancers were blinkin fantastic, I came away buzzing (didnt even have a drink either!)

    "Oh look TV lets watch!" NickJohns set up, brilliant as ever

    The cubed one taking in the atmosphere

    We found a spare GMC engine but sadly it wouldnt fit in my handbag!

    Boom Booms big one!


    A nice GMC going through some TLC

    Smithys fire engine!














  11. Ok here are the funeral details sent via an e-mail that was then forwarded on to me.


    Ladies and Gentlemen


    Sadly I have to announce the death of Christopher Ian Davies known as Taff

    He passed away on the 24/6/2011. His funeral service is at St Colmans R.C.Church

    St Colmans Avenue Cosham Portsmouth PO6 2JJ on Thursday the 30th June at



    Family flowers only but Donations to Combat Stress c/o Grady’s Funeral Directors 23 Mengham Road

    Hayling Island PO11 9BG

  12. Due to the fantasticness of this forum, we found ourselves needing to go to this show as the most honourable Chevpol picked up a package from Stoke on Trent and bought it along. We are very appreciative of this help and hope his Landys springs aren't too squashed!!!!!!! :kiss:


    Right on to the show then.

    We set of at 8.30 this morning in the rain which we shook off on the M4 and uneventfull run up to arrive for 11 (275 mile round trip :shocked:). The carpark had plenty of room to park. We got in for free with our MVT membership cards, instead of paying £7/£3 or £15 for a family, which isn't a bad price really. First impressions to be honest was that the field looked very empty but were told that there was lots more vehicles further across the field.

    We looked along the stalls, some nice ones with vintage clothing on sale at reasonable prices, the usual militaria stalls and of course the childrens tat stalls (which is where I was forced to spent my money!!!!). We wondered across the ground and found the rest of the vehicles and was impressed at how many were there. A lot of different vehicles spread about in what seemed a haphazard manner but also allowed us to look all round each vehicle with no rope stopping us. Not many driver/owners about to chat to though.

    I thought the camp where all the nissen huts and air raid shelters were was fantastic, we had a great time looking in and around them all, they had so much in them and the Stanton (?) shelter with the air raid recording was brilliant! We missed Kitten-von -Mew singing but did catch the dancing in the beer tent, can you tell them they are fantastic and made me want to learn to dance that good!!!!!!!!

    The arena was a good size it was such a shame that so few drivers played in it.

    The atmosphere was very relaxed and we were made to feel very welcome by everyone present.


    Very nice to meet up with friends-Chrisg, Smithy, Nickjohns (and his wonderful cinema) :yay:

    and of course its always nice to meet new people-Chevpol (love you muchly xxx), papav66 (crocs are so comfy hey?!!!), and boom-boom with his biggy!!!! :hug:

    Also spotted but not caught up with were Clive Elliot and Rexy baby. :flowers:



    Will add pictures in a while, just need to get the cubelets to bed, eat the chinese and drink the chardonnay!!

    Well done everyone, good show, glad we came up. :-D:-D:-D


    Oh and by the way just for Rambo, the toilets were good and saw the honey wagon several times!!!!!!

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