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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Rosie, We need to get your 105 firing too. Then we can really have a party lol


    Best Regards


    That would be sooo cool hey? It will be like tchaikovskys 1812 overture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nut:
  2. Just to let you know - all is well here.


    If I am quiet its because I am flat out with it with it all. There is an awful lot to organise, more than you can imagine. Application for Lottery funding has gone in. And working on the other areas of sponsorship which is on going.


    Tankers - will text you will details of the contribution being made towards low loader costs or drop me an email......





    Thanks for the update Jack, good luck with the funding :)

  3. Oh Joris so sorry to hear of your sad news. Please accept our condolences to you and all your family.

    He will always be in your heart and he is also no longer suffering.

    Much love, hugs and kisses from us all xxx

  4. I've just searched for it on YouTube!! Woowzers!!!!!!!

    Hmmm it is the cubemeisters birthday in a couple of weeks time, wonder if he wants one? £109 in a certain catalogue shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    All sold out :(


    Knowing what delights you have at work rosie (been there , done that ) i would rather rummage in skips and do when out and about .....;)

    :-D:-D:-D:-D yup, had many a finger nail full of ****!!!!!
  6. well as you may guess I dont drive a skip lorry and I wont go into the delights I find at my work place!!! But will say I have just read the whole thread and its sad to see what people throw out not knowing (presumably) what they have and what it might be worth. Keep up the treasure hunting folk!!:)

  7. Best to let someone else do it I stripped off the ceiling in the old dears house (term of endearment honest) and ended up having years of neck pain which only sorted itself out when I had flue for two weeks. Best cold that I have ever had

    :-D My neck still clicks but at least I can sleep now without waking up in agony.

    Oh good, something to look forward to then!!!!

    Unfortunately I reckon I am in for a life of neck pain anyway, I hurt my next eleventybillion years ago and now a days only need to think about hard work and it locks up!!! This time though it seems to be worser then ever :(

  8. Not done too much recently due to me pulling all my neck muscles (again :( )

    But have managed to begin adding the black. Jack has had to take over all ceiling painting as I can't tilt my head back or raise my arm higher than shoulder level!!!!! He is doing a sterling job must admit.

    Was hoping to have had all painting done this weekend but the painkillers I am on make me feel like s**t.



  9. I have just spent 2 hours trying to fine my way out of the bedroom as we have also painted the inside of the door and once it was shut I could not find it.........:nut:


    You Rodney!!!!!

  10. Well the cubedmeister has been busy replastering the cubelets bedrooms. Finally Jacks room is ready to paint and he has decided to go for the camouflage look!!!! We made a start this weekend. I drew the pattern on and we painted them brown. Next we will do green. I will keep you posted!




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