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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Well that's it, with constant shoulder and neck pain now and with Jacks approval (Jack being our son and not Mr Beckett) we've called it a day! I'm happy with it but won't be doing any more painting for a while!!!



    Oh wait, yeah I was the one who nagged the cubed one about 'getting this place completely redecorated'!



  2. Snow gone from our land now but other side of the valley which is less sheltered the snow is still lying at a much lower altitude. The lambs are ok Rosie, all the smallest ones went out with plastic coats on in anticipation of the bad weather. Thank you for asking.


    Awww glad to hear that Degs. Little lambs with plastic coats, how sweet. Need a picture!!!!

  3. Not the only ones, the cubed one has gone off to play green machines with his mate, I'm stuck here with the kiddies and have to finish off the final bits in Jacks bedroom. Carpet buying commences tomorrow.

    Hope weather is not too bad for everyone else today and over weekend? How's the lambs Degsy?

  4. Down in South Kent it has been a beautiful spring day with warm sunshine and gentle breeze, amazing how in such a small country the weather can differ so much.


    It amazes me to Richard! Only a few hundred miles away and yet it's as though we are in different seasons! Only in Britain hey?

  5. I have a Samsung with 3Mobile at the moment, and the contract will be up in a month or so. Seriously thinking about an iPhone, but.... the exam question is, "is it worth the extra £5 or 10 a month over an Android phone". Your thoughts would be appreciated. Cheers Vulture


    Only my point of view ok

    Get an iPhone! They're so worth it!

  6. Oh no! Hope the lambs are ok, take care Degsy. X

    It's been clear blue skies down here, cloudy this morning and temp must have dropped as the heating has come on.

  7. Well after a good rest, next uni assignment completed and with it being Easter Hols I have finally made progress!! Painting pretty much finished (just needs touching up DEGSY DOWN BOY!) r-cubed has stared on the built in wardrobes.

    Hopefully Jack will move in before school starts after Easter.



  8. With a name like Branko Dragovic I had to shorten it, as I struggle with it on a Monday, or a Tuesday......

    Bran on its own would confuse me with a breakfast cereal, but then Bran D confuses with strong spirit drink so I should have used Bran on its own...Oh well I'm glad its not confusing!


    Makes perfect sense, especially the brandy bit!!!!!



    Okay, thanks for the tips there :)

    Picking up on a bit Roxie posted "collecting a new engine", have you been and sourced a new engine for your truck ? Tell all... :-)

    Kind regards



    Hmmmmmmm I will let him tell you that story!!!! :)

  10. Cubed


    Did you take any photos whilst doing this ? Anything spring related makes me shudder, after a narrow escape I had with a coiled spring some years ago.



    Not sure that he did tbh, he's out at the moment collecting a new engine so cant ask him, will track him down later today for you :)


    and with that he turns up!!!!!! His ears must have been burning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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