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Posts posted by rosie

  1. HMMMM......................... I don't believe that for one minute ........You laydees kid yourselves that 'we all know' when in fact Us blokes really are not that interested,as long there is enough cash for the real essentials in life ( beer, pies/pasties. crisps, beer,copious amounts of tea whilst spannering ........):-D
    Honest guv!!!!!

    He knows all about my purchases as I'm a bad liar!!!! I cant keep a secret for toffee :-D:-D

    my last pair of shoes I bought (as seen in the A&E party thread) cos he bought a new engine for the truck!!!! ;)

  2. The last I heard was somebody saying "I wonder if we can fire mashed potato out of this"



    For goodness sake please dont let the cubed one know!!!!

  3. :stop:What do you mean we?:nono:


    Of c'mon, that food fight the other night wasn't ALL my fault! And anyway I can't reach the mash potato on the ceiling and you are taller than me :)

  4. Oh and for the record I don't have anything the cubed doesn't know about.





    I think he knows all about all my shoes, handbags and hats I have stashed in the wardrobe!!!!

  5. Why not have a staff car Roise? Some of the pre war Wolsley and Vauxhall cars are perfectly capable of being used around town nowadays. Not that I'd dream of influencing a sober, right thinking person such as you. :cool2:

    (No road tax, cheap insurance, little deprication)


    Cos no one wants to swap my worn out, unloved family run around for one that's why!!!!!!!

    I will get one, one day!

  6. I am very very lucky. My other half encourages me! She spent a lot of last year pointing out that I really needed to get a Scammell or similar. When we were looking at Pioneer's she said she liked the tank transporters. Then said that if I got a gun tractor or recovery I'd have to get her a tank transporter to play with! As it is I've now got a Unipower and she is very happy now we have found out it is pre-1960 so she can drive it!It does help that she likes steam toys and has a workshop. We get odd looks when I point out to visitors that the machine shop in one of the downstairs rooms of the house is her's and not mine!Ed


    Ed best me and your missus don't meet then as we would spend all your money!!!! I was the one who encouraged the cubed to buy the howitzer. If we had unlimited money and space we would have dragon wagons to!!!!! I want a staff car of some sort but the flippin bank manager would have a hissy fit!!

  7. 9th April 3 Commando Brigade sail from Southampton aboard Canberra;

    European Economic Community approve economic sanctions against Argentina (Ireland and Italy veto)


    My uncle was a medic. I remember having a day off school. We travelled down to Southampton Docks to wave home off. I remember feeling so sorry for his wife. Fortunately he came back but not the same man sadly. He dealt with some of the aftermath of Sir Galahad.

    I think he might have left on the Canberra?

  8. I`m here Neil mate:cheesy: I was reading the Best of British Mag in town yesterday, saw the Maiden Newton at war ad in there mentioning WW2 Aircraft, sounds interesting, they also mentioned something about Tanks whatever that means:confused:


    I'm here to!!!!

    Yeah I've heard of some sort of convoy/display of a few MV's. Might pop down for a shuffty. :)

  9. Ok just on train now on way to work, it is all out, antibiotics for 2 weeks, then back in 4. Go back straight away if flu like symptoms develop..fingers crossed.


    To top it all i went over the bars on the downhill stretch as well, but did manage to capture it on my new helmet cam!


    Thanks all for advice...




    Glad you went to doctors and got sorted. Need to see you go over the bars tho from helmet cam!!!! Sorry but that bit did make me LOL!!

  10. Had a stash , in the workshop , wife never went in there until one day needed a screwdriver , found spare key , BUSTED , that was a painful day :(





  11. Hate to scare you hun but was only watching this on BBC news this weekend. Get yourself to doctors first thing tomorrow morning. Stop being 'manly' please!!!!!!! :)

  12. Ahem...guilty as charged...


    I rationalise it on the basis that a)she has limited interest in the hobby b)this is my worst secret and i am sure there are plenty of middle aged men out there with worse ones..!


    I bet there are!!!!!

  13. Shares in another shed? OMG.


    R3 - URGENT! Those 'spare parts' you never asked me about about a while back - I've deleted my PMs and suggest you do the same asap to make sure there is no trail.





    Just logging into his account whilst he 'soaks' in the bath!!!!!

  14. Last night's and today's rain has removed the last of the snow except on the mountains only to reveal the full extent of it's damage to some nearby farmers. We know of three who have lost 100 plus lambs and a number of ewes and there will be many more in a similar situation, it couldn't have come at a worse time for this area. We were very lucky, it could so easily have been us, I really feel for them.


    Oh no so sad news.

  15. Oh blimey what a can of worms I've opened!!!!!!

    I was just shocked that this chap was able to have a collection of vehicles with out his partner knowing anything about it at all.

    Ok the cubes garage is down the bottom of the garden so it's easy to see what he has in there, but he does also have shares in another shed........

    Or is it cos I have more of an interest in the hobby?? Or is it cos he's dead scared of me and would never keep anything from me???!!!!

  16. and you still have a hosepipe ban!!!!




    Well having actually checked the hosepipe ban site it seems we don't! High tide has passed and all is well here thank goodness. Still not a very nice day though.

  17. How things change eh? No snow but we are on an amber flood warning here on the south coast :shocked:

    High tide due at 2pm what with heavy rain all morning and high winds!!!!!

  18. Having a discussion with the cubed one this morning, a friend of a friend has a small collection of vehicles of which the missus knows nothing about !!!!!

    Does anyone else have a secret stash of toys?

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