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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Mine is kind of simple

    Spitfire 1a AR213 taken at a dampish Shoreham in 2008

    Remember seeing it many a time a Booker. Used to cycle there every few weeks in the summer when I was younder. That was about 11 miles each way. Must have been mad.

    One very nice aircraft.



    Off topic I'm afraid! :undecided:

    I know booker well, I was born in High Wycombe!!!!!!! Small world. :kiss:

  2. An avatar is quite small, so one don't really see the details. Mine for example, is a picture af a painting commemorating the return of the boers after being banished to Ceylon,after the 2nd Boer war, following the defeat by England . On returning home to there farms all they found were burnt-down farm dwellings and graves.


    This particular photo depicts such a farmer on his return. For me, this it is heart-rending.




    The under-writing means, when loosely translated:

    "It is the clear, it is the blue:

    it is the field, it is the sky:

    and a bird winging overhead in a lonesome flight--

    thats all.


    It is abannished returned over the ocean.

    It is a grave in the grass.

    It is a falling teardrop--

    Thats all"


    That's really nice.

    My avatar needs little explaining! I really am called Rosie (well actually it's Rosemary) at shows I wear Rosie the Riveter look a like clothing!

  3. Thanks for the reply Rosie.


    No, we will be very quiet, i was just nervious there may be a locked gate of something?


    30 - 40 mins, blimey, thought it was closer then that?? Will need to be off site by 5.30 then................:shocked:

    I will check for you on Thursday when we have our monthly meeting but pretty sure there are no locked gates.


    The ferry may be slightly closer but not by much!


    Not long to go now, am getting excited!

  4. A small group of us are attending the show for the first time, then we are off to Normandy on the Sunday morning.


    I assume there will be no issues getting off the site early? I think our ferry sails at 7am?


    Does anyone know how long it takes to get to the port from the show ground?






    Shouldn't think there would be a problem getting off the show ground as long as you don't sound your horn or anything like that!!!!!! Assuming you're leaving from portsmouth it's about a 30-40min journey depending on your speed of course!!!!

  5. mine today jack says i can have x2 shandies in clubhouse and put it on his tab and some of his choccie biscuits im a little older now ! :beer:


    Is it your birthday? If so a very happy birthday with love and kisses.

    If not I'll have a pint of whatever you are drinking!!!!

  6. Is this OK?;


    Sorry, Enigma, but as a free member you do not have access to this part of the site.


    That's what I get to!!! I think Jacks trying to sort it though, poor bloke what with organising the biggest tank event in the world, running the biggest forum in the world and also being a woman in his spare time!!!!! Guess he's a tad busy!!!!!!!

  7. You guys!!!!! I'm not that bad!!! Well ok then, I might be tough!

    Both boys been up several times with "I can't sleep!" Jack (used to being on top bunk) has told me he thinks there is something under his bed!!!

  8. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1334336985.346004.jpg

    Well the carpet arrived today and as you can see its been christened already!!!

    Also wanted to show the secret under window cupboard. Eventually when the cubed gets round to it there will be a door (which I have been instructed to paint camo to!)

    I have moved Jack in now as he was eager to get in today!!!!!!!! So now both boys have their own rooms. Happy days :)


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