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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Just some more pictures I found on my phone!! This chap was on a stall and called over for a photo, didn't want to say no to him!!!!!!!



    Bit dark sorry but sunday night we had 17 people sat around the table eating takeaways!!!!!



    The street party! See rcubed still on duty!!! We had lots of exhibitors join us as well as the fire brigade lads!!


    Our set up :)



    All in all a good weekend had by all :)





    I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?xpnmfa

  2. Nice one Rosie

    Told Paul about it so he may be in contact with you:D.


    Have you got over your little trip Rosie.......Sorry girl but i do still grin about it :D:D:D


    OMG!!!!! I laugh still about it!!!! I woke the next morning and every single little muscle on my poor body ached!!!!! I had bruises where I shouldn't :blush::blush::shocked:

    cant believe I tripped over the grass infront of you lot, all the cadets in the carpark and half the SOE team and I was totally sober!!!!!!! and my hubby just stood there laughing!!!!!!

    feel ok now (well apart from my pride, thats still bruised :nut:!!!!!)


    OK I will wait for Paul to get in contact re the book xx

  3. Just a long shot .....................But does anyone know the name of the stall holder who sold the manual as he might know where to get one ???


    Presumably you are talking about Overlord?

    If you can let me know where he was I may be able to find out. I can but try :kiss:

  4. Wow, latest count is 418 military vehicles, along with about 50 wartime classics, so thank you for all those helping to make this a cracking show.


    And currently have over 46 traders to spend your money with.


    Still not too late to enter, registration of vehicles will close at about 4pm on the 24th! But the earlier the better.



    wow thats a massive amount of vehicles!!!!!!

    Good luck with the show, hope the weather stays dry for you all :)

    sorry we cant make it this year (going to A&E) we had a great time there last year.

  5. Just two weeks away folks - you better be ready because we are!!!


    Next week I will start posting up more details, times, place, agenda - the do's and don'ts. I will mail everyone directions and the sign to look out for along with Gritineye - you can't miss him.


    I will go a pay as you go phone and put the number up here too.


    Really is now no sleep until A&E 2012 :blush:

    So looking forward to A&E2012 its going to be epic :D:D

  6. Does anyone know him? I have something of his he may have lost.



    I have contacted Dean and returned his lost property!!!!

  7. Hi All

    Have put the video of the three guns firing on my youtube channel (petesos51) or ( fh70 firing )

    I will upload the Original up on my profile page of this truly awesome event.

    As you will all see on my youtube channel that i have fired the FH many times some that i have not put on youtube but i must say to see the three guns going off together was awesome.

    Thanks again all, for making us so wellcome

    boomboom :D:D:D

    Awww it was lovely to see you this weekend :-) you made hubby a very happy man by helping him to fire the gun!!!!!!!!! Hes not stopped smiling since!!!!! (oh and thanks to coming to my aid when I tripped over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) It was lovely to meet up with others to-Rambo, LandyAndy, Chevpol, Smithy and others I know I have forgotten!!!!!

    We've had a very successful weekend, lots of public through the gates. We nearly ran out of space on Saturday as vehicles were still rolling through the gates. We have been blessed with the weather, forecast looked dodgy for Sunday and Monday but the wind blew it away and left us with the sun shinning. We even managed to get out mobile mansion away before todays rain came! Speaking with many stall holders and exhibitors over the 4 days makes me feel we have got things right, you can always make improvments of course.

    I also want to thank every single person who came along either as a volunteer, an exhibitor or a trader- you help add to the atmosphere of the show. I am totally exhausted now, washing machine going ten to the dozen but the pile does not seem to be getting smaller!!!!!!!!!

    Roll on Overlord 2013 :D

  8. Nice to see you Furbag. The guns were awesome!!

    Very very very busy on the entrance gate all day, vehicles still coming in all day. The fields are getting full up. I haven't even been down to the re-enactors field yet!!!!!!


    Just seconds after this mornings gun fire!!!!


    These pictures I took later this afternoon. Not many snaps I'm afraid as I kept bumping into people- Chris G, Kevin, Rambo to name but a few! Oh and had to have a beer with the Heathrow lot!






    Loads of positive feed back and smiling faces at the end of the day :)

    Oh don't forget the sunburnt face!





    I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?az4lky


    Daft thing is a bit of a brezze with a slight overcast is more likley to bring the punters than red hot and can't be bothered. Good luck! I'm stuck working apart from Sunday and Monday, then I'll be playing with Katy. :banana:
    yup overcast with a chill in the breeze is perfect show weather :)


  10. Has cooled to very comfortable round here now. Rain forcast in places, but seems to be very patchy. Yesterday it bucketed down three miles away, I saw a couple of minutes of drizzle and slippery roads, twenty minutes later all bone dry.

    we had rain forecast here today (less than 20 miles from the show ground) seen a very small sprinkling of a shower, its still warm although sea breeze can bring a chill. Weather forecast for the weekend looks good, maybe a chance of a shower on Sunday (helps to settle the dust!)

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