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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Hi All

    Fil and I are really looking forward to the weekend and seeing everyone again. Our boat doesn't actually get into Poole until 00.45 on Friday so we we be at the camp after 1 am and will need to set up tents!!!! So apologies now if we wake anyone but we will try our best not too!!!! On the other hand if there is still partying going on expect gate crashers!!!!! I will ask Nigel to save us a bit of space next to him to make it easier. It was either this late boat or not at all and failure to attend was not an option!!!!!!




    You guys riding with us in our truck again this year? I have counted you in with us (we have a few others joining us this year as well)




    I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?lumigz

  2. So – we are ready.

    Not too sure where the last two years have gone but certainly the last 6 months have been a blur.






    First and foremost Jack, this wouldn't have been possible had it not been down to YOU and ALL YOUR GOD DAMN HARD WORK. I don't know half the stress you have had to go through to get this up and running again but can only imagine it. Yes of course it wouldn't work without us all taking part, either as a driver, re-enactor or passenger but you have been the driving force behind it all, getting everyone together and sorting out the routes and the roads and the officials necassary. So hold up your right hand, turn your palm towards yourself, reach down your back and slap it hard, cos you derserve it JB. Big respect to you. Love you! xxxxxxx

    Next thing, am I ready? OMG YES!!! Have been for about 2 years!!!!!! So many sights and sounds from 2010 still make me laugh and smile and bring a lump to my throat to.


    As for those who seem to want to put a dampner on things? They have successful show envy Jack, ignore them, I do!!! :D


    Weather, who cares? We will be having too much fun to worry about the weather!!!!!!


    uni tonight, meeting at eldest school tomorrow night, the cubed off to another meeting on Wednesday night, work during the day, when shall I pack???????? :wow:


    Cant wait to get down there Friday evening, have a glass of charddy waiting for me hun!


    See you all Friday


  3. Hi Dave ,


    Could you confirm please when the cook house will be up and running at A&E ?? We are planing to be on site Thur late afternoon / early evening , just asking so we can cater for ourselves until you are up and running !!


    Looking forward to seeing you all this week,



    Hi Adrian

    I think I saw, somewhere that Chef Ives is arriving on site Thursday sometime, but as to when he starts cooking Im not sure, reckon Friday Morning?

    Rosie xx

  4. Well the weather locally for this weekend was appalling, so far we have had dawn to dusk sunshine with some gusty winds but not too cold (chilly for the time of year though) so fingers crossed it carries on this way. but so what if it rains, the tankers will have more fun!!! The drivers of the man trucks will enjoy trying to accelerate and wipe their windows and Jack will still be blowing his whistle!!!!!! We will still all have great big smiles on our faces :cheesy:


    Thanks Rosie. Getting stuff ready for the big one.:D

    i know so am I!!!!!!! I have piles of clothes all over the bedroom floor, those to pack, those to be worn on the journey down, those that need ironing before packing and those that we dont need so can be worn this week!!!!!!!!!
  6. 8th June Plymouth in Falkland Sound is hit by 4 Argentine bombs but none explode;

    Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram are bombed at Fitzroy while the Welsh Guards are waiting to disembark - 51 die including 38 Welsh Guards and 55 are seriously wounded;

    War cabinet asked not to reveal Fitzroy casualties;

    Landing craft Foxtrot-4 sunk with British vehicles aboard;

    3 Argentine skyhawks are shot down by sea harriers;

    General Moore finalises battle plan for Stanley


    10th June Falklands Appeal launched under patronage of Lord Shackleton;

    Peru sends 10 mirage jets to Argentina to replenish losses


    11th June Battle for Stanley begins on Mount Longdon, Mount Harriet and Two Sisters - 23 paras and 50 Argentines die;

    Sergeant Ian McKay of 3 Para is killed on Mount Longdon and subsequently awarded Victoria Cross;

    3 Islanders killed during British naval bombardment of Stanley;

    Pope John Paul II visits Argentina and denounces all wars as 'unjust'

    As I stated earlier my uncle was a medic, I think he was one of the first on board Sir Galahad after it had been hit
  7. well the cubed one rang to say he was leaving work at 4pm (an hour and half away in TomTom time) by 5pm he was about 10 miles away, but on the wrong side of the flood from home. He eventually arrived at cubed towers at 6.30 after driving through knee deep water that had poured through peoples homes :embarrassed:

  8. Folks - post A&E we are going to put together and print a souvenir 'program' of A&E 2012 which can be bought through the A&E site. We will also have images you can buy and download or I can get them printed here in town.


    I have spoken with many snappers and some more to catch up yet but I want it some we all have something special from the weekend. I just don't want the action shots I want to capture people just being people.


    I want to make sure we get everyone in there who attended - so get your hair done.

    :-D:-D:-D as long as its not windy then!!!!! Best get shares in hairspray manufacturers!!!
  9. Well what fun it's been down here today (nothing like Wales I know) A27 been flooded all day and is still closed


    Only just stopped raining here about an hour ago, it's now high tide (luckily they're not too high at the moment 4.23m)

    We are still on an amber warning for flooding. Hope everyone else is safe, do we have any members in Aberystwyth??

    Take care everyone, oh and let's get this weather out the way before next week!!!!!!!!!

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