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Everything posted by Chrisg

  1. I told him not to use the jerry can as an earth point
  2. The olny listers I had dealings with were LD early or LR later
  3. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  4. Are both the flow and return pipes hot. If they're cold its probable an air lock
  5. Me Me & my sister CW note the boat :-D
  6. Mark I've got a spare tent if you want to borrow it
  7. What about the young ? :cool2:
  8. Mum the big boys are picking on me
  9. Should have let CW mend it
  10. Happy birthday :beer::beer:
  11. The air drop went wrong
  12. Jack has some knowledge (not mechanical though) :rofl: so he told me
  13. Use a proper face mask. A mate of mine didn't and wasn't well for a long time. Can realy **** your chest Make sure that the paint pot is properly attached. Makes a mess when it falls off. been there Dont try and spray your tea and dunk a biscuit in the paint :rofl:
  14. Also take your time and don't rush. If rather when it goes wrong walk away and have a cup of tea and a biscuit ( works for me)
  15. Just found out that I'm the same age as the PM Realy depressed now :shocking:
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