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Everything posted by Chrisg

  1. Happy birthday :beer::dancing::beer:
  2. You losen the bottom nut and then move turn the adjusting screw in to open the clearance out to reduce clearanc If i've figured this right with number 1 exhaust valve open Adjust 6 Exhaust 2 exhaust valve open Adjust 5 Exhaust 3 exhaust valve open Adjust 4 Exhaust 4 exhaust valve open Adjust 3 Exhaust 5 exhaust valve open Adjust 2 Exhaust 6 exhaust valve open Adjust 1 Exhaust
  3. Think i'm stupid? :nut: iphone,youphone, hephone its been a long day Do tell us all about music then Jack
  4. I've still got (somewhere) the motorolla brick the one that had a 12 volt battery
  5. [quote=Jack;187847 Don't worry about that - I have always told myself that if I have bitten off more than I can chew that I can always spit it out. Yeh and we've seen you do that :-D
  6. I've got a roof not always up thoughGot doors and side screens as well never fitted them Some of us don't have to worry about messing hair up :-D
  7. Tony come for a ride in a Champ we've got biger drain holes in the floor lets the water out quicker :-D
  8. Mines got a pair of holes cut in the bulkhead which may have been for a heater
  9. Looking foward to it Tony I'm volentering if you need a hand guarding Rambo's cakes
  10. Wouldn't it be better cooked in an oven? :-D I'll get my coat
  11. I hope Rosie is keeping you well supplied with tea & cake
  12. Don't do that Dave It'll be more fun :cool2:
  13. Plains week end 2008 Mines the middle one
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