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Everything posted by Chrisg

  1. Should if there's room be able to bring the genny as well but no lights
  2. Just been at the back of the shed (where the scary spiders live) I've three hurricane lamps and if I can get them working two tilley lamps
  3. Well yes but a bit far away I'll check pics
  4. Should be there about midday wednesday. Bread pudding made and pased quality control, chocolate brownies tomorrow special for Mark (no nuts) Hart :cool2:
  5. Is it the type of bleed nipple that should have a steel ball to seal ?
  6. If you're expecting my cakes forget it. :-D Now Mrs Chrisg's cakes thats different. A special no nuts has been requested :nut:
  7. Another good weekend at Wartime in the Vale. Well done to all the organisers. Got home about 7.30 Quite an eventful journey home in the Champ silencer split again 2nd one in three years. Generator not charging so two flat batteries Ho hum Pictures to follow
  8. Go on take off the helmet and let's see the haircut :cool2:
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