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Posts posted by Degsy

  1. Three flights stand out in my mind, my first ever flight as an 8 year old taken up in a 2 seat Meteor by the Station Commander (an ex ww11 pilot) from a Yorkshire airfield, probably Church Fenton, flying from Leeds/Bradford to Jersey and back in a DC3, thirdly returning from Spain in a BAC111 and crossing the Pyrenees in a huge electrical storm, all the snow covered mountains lighting up blue in the massive lightning flashes.

  2. Hi Ferret, If you are looking for the early type wings (headlights in grille) it could be a hens teeth job, I know of a couple that have been scrapped and will make some enquiries to see if the wings are any good and whether available. It may be worth your while to put a wanted ad in one of the LR mags (not LR owner) try LR Monthly or LR Enthusiast, I think these are free.

  3. Hi Jelly, I wouldn't bother with the correct jack if I was you, they were a really awful screw type, very unstable and broke very easily, much better to invest in a Hi Lift type jack, Genuine 4ft Hi Lifts are available from around £40- 45, there are also cheaper copies available, have a look in any of the Land Rover mags.

  4. Hi Jack Don't be too disheartened, just try one or two of your other local branches, when I first started to organise our group for Poppy Day collections two of our local branches were delighted to have our help and vehicles but a third one was positively hostile. Incidentally it has led to us holding our meetings at the RBL and we have a choice of different rooms at no charge.

  5. Joris, I don't like to contradict you when your knowledge of computers is far superior to mine but when AVG picked up the virus it specifically identified it by name, unfortunately I didn't keep a note of the name and don't know how to get the info back but surely someone else can give you the name.

  6. The (French) #7 set we removed from our 352 did not have any clamps, heavy timbers fitted under the base girders and large bolts went straight through into the chassis. Incidentally it was fitted further back in the body than your pics show but contemporary pics show a mixture of positions.

  7. 9.00x16 tyres for the 101 are virtually unobtainable at present, the Petlas factory which used to supply them was lost in the Turkish earthquake and there are believed to be only 5 left worldwide, the price is extortionate. The point to this post is if any body comes accross any 9.00x16's either buy them or post here to give someone on here a chance of obtaining them.

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