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Posts posted by andym

  1. 9 minutes ago, sirhc said:

    Thanks Andy. Do they have the 01FDxx to 08FDxx missing from the original release spreadsheets?


    Yes indeed, in the first file.  01FD00 is apparently "Tank Combat 120mm Gun Chieftain Mk 10".  All my vehicles are there on inspection.


  2. 9 hours ago, earlymb said:

    Maybe I missed it, but is there an option to pre-view a post or reply before actually posting it? 

    It's still there but you need to use the full editor, methinks.


  3. Odyssey batteries are made by Enersys, the same people who make the Hawker UK6TNMF, so I think we can safely say they know what they are doing.  One word of warning, they are very sensitive to charging voltage, which must not exceed 15V for a single battery or 30V for a pair of batteries in series.  If your batteries are dying, check the charging voltage before doing anything else.


  4. A bit late owing to the HMVF refurbishment, but a couple of weeks back there were two Chieftain ARRVs and an MBT on the A31 by the five-legged stag on the Drax estate.  They looked a bit weather beaten, but what interested me was that they were on HETs rather than the now usual Metcalfe Farms transport.


  5. At least half of those seven new files seem to be broken too, certainly parts 1 and 3.  Excel 2010 makes an attempt to repair them but fails.

    (Update - I've since emailed the FoI team to ask them to check the files)


  6. Thanks Joris -  good work!  In my experience with these things it's always better to under-promise and over-deliver.  If you think it will take three days then say ten, that way either no-one notices it took longer than you thought or you do it in less than ten and they think you're wonderful.

    Just one suggestion - could we go to https rather than http to protect passwords etc.?



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  7. If the generator has two sets of two terminals then I'd suspect one set to be the field windings and the other the output. The field windings produce the magnetic field, without a dc voltage supplied to them nothing will happen. To run as a motor (assuming it's capable of doing so) you'll need to supply dc volts across one set of terminals and ac across the other set. You really need to find some more info or you're in danger of damaging something, including yourself!



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