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Posts posted by andym

  1. Dear All,


    IMHO all the Stolly needed was a means to declutch the fore most and rearmost wheel stations when not needed. Then there would be no wind up loads on the transmission.




    There's a rumour that the still-born Mk.3 Stolly (with K60 engine) could do exactly that.



  2. DVLA must have changed their policy. When registering my Mk1 Militant they wouldn't accept DIS, and insisted on copies of the build sheets, which on the good side were available, but on the bad side proved it was one of the last built in 1964, which of course means it needs an M.o.T test, and an HGV licence to drive it!




    Wouldn't you need an HGV licence anyway, regardless of taxation class?



  3. I hope to visit the Tank Museum at the end of the month, and will try to arrange an appointment. The FOI suggestion is interesting and easy to do, so I might give that a go too!


    Thanks, Jules


    You don't have to visit the Tank Museum, just ring them up and do it over the 'phone with a credit card. They'll email you scans of the record cards within a day, far easier and quicker than fiddling about with an FoI request.



  4. I assume you know its original army VRN? Ask the Tank Museum library for the record cards which will give you its date of first use. A lot of FV430s have also been registered using the VRN in lieu of chassis number. That said, I think you'll find it very difficult to get it road registered anyway.



  5. Another confusion is that some FV series vehicles have been used for a very long time (I think FV432s are about the oldest still in service) and as a result manufacturers have gone out of business and even some manufacturing methods have become impossible. As a result new parts get designed that are completely interchangeable with the originals but with new numbers.




    In the case of the FV430 series there are also examples of NSNs for exactly the same part that have changed over the years.



  6. To counter the suggestion above, if different vehicles were procured by different parts of the MOD, would anyone have the time and effort available to see if any of the parts could be re-used on another vehicle? It's probably down to the behaviour of the original manufacturer as they're the only people who would know they're supplying a part to more than one vehicle.



  7. I've only got the AVRE AESP to hand, but it says that the L60 main engine generator (No.5 Mk.4) is a four pole compound wound DC machine, i.e. a dynamo. It does however have an external control panel that provides excitation, so if that doesn't work neither will the generator. The circuitry looks pretty complex so I'd advise finding someone who understands it before deciding on a pack lift.



  8. I'm just back from a day's recce trip and I think it's pretty good, virtually back to "normal". Some of the stalls are rather repetitious (how much WWII German militaria does the world really need?) and I couldn't see much in the way of heavy armour. But well organised, particularly the fast lane for pre-paid tickets and I couldn't fault the toilets. Definitely worth a longer visit next year.



  9. They look like the quick release fittings made by Flight Refuelling - the Abbot uses them for steering box oil on the engine junction panel.




    FR tell me that you can still get them but "you won't like the price". If you can't find replacements your best bet might be to change them for something more modern?




  10. The articles to date are not all that clear. If the idea is to remove small commuter cars what happens then to the commercial vehicles carrying the goods and needs of the population. Electrics for close suburban work, but too what weight

    Should that extend out to other transport, another area requiring fuel is marine vessels. Will it be no more outboard motors, as on smaller fishing boats and other specialist boats. No more Coast guard etc.

    Are we going back to sail power on the water and steam on the land!


    The idea is to remove the largest source of NOx - commuter cars. Although lorries, buses and boats etc. may produce more NOx on an individual basis, there are far fewer of them than cars, so their total pollution contribution is less.



  11. There's already been some discussion in this thread: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?57698-Has-the-military-vehicle-price-bubble-burst but beware of the inaccurate over-dramatic reporting in the newspapers. The ban will apply only to new entirely petrol and diesel engined cars, it does not ban hybrids (which are probably the only realistic option for a lot of people) and they will still need fuel as will all the other users of internal combustion engines.



  12. It's all irrelevant anyway.


    There won't be a vehicle hobby in twenty years time. Enjoy it while you can as they're going to end up as static exhibits.




    Unlikely as these things don't tend to apply to historic vehicles. Can you imagine anyone cancelling the London to Brighton run? What will be more interesting is having vehicles that need a driving licence when most cars will be self-driving and therefore licence-free.



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