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Posts posted by andym

  1. Has anyone else seen this?  https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/e10-petrol-consumer-protection-and-fuel-pump-labelling

    From the FBHVC:

    "Dear Enthusiast,
    The Department of Transport has issued a consultation document on the subject of introducing higher levels of ethanol in petrol.

    Many older vehicles are likely to suffer damage and possibly dangerous fuel leaks if the E10 grade of petrol is used without modification to their fuel systems.

    For the purposes of this consultation the Government is focussing on vehicles more than 25 years old.

    Whilst wishing to introduce the higher ethanol level E10 grade of fuel, the Government are guaranteeing a 'protection grade' of petrol at the E5 grade that is equivalent to the currently available 95 RON petrol. However this guarantee will only last until 2020 when further consultation will take place.

    It is likely that on the introduction of E10 at the 95 RON level, the currently available 'Super' grades with an octane level of 97 RON or higher, will cease to be available.

    The Federation has designed a survey on petrol useage in older vehicles which will provide valuable evidence in the consultation response.

    Please complete the survey and help the Federation preserve our right to use 'Yesterday's Vehicles on Tomorrow's Roads'.

    The survey can be accessed by clicking this link. Ethanol Survey.

    If you wish to read the consultation document it can be found by following this link Department for Transport consultation.

    Please encourage your friends and fellow enthusiasts to complete the survey, just forward this email and they will be able to follow the survey link. The survey will close on 31 August 2018 in order to collate the results for the Federation's response to the consultation. A copy of the response will be made available on the Federation's website.

    Thank you for supporting the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs and helping to keep historic vehicles on the road.

    Paul Chasney
    Director - Research"

    The survey is here: https://paulc1.typeform.com/to/Bt7HKS


    • Thanks 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, Dan77 said:

    may be a silly question but.....

    why do some stollies have bolts around the cab windows and some not?  Some also have the swim board fittings and some not?   Have these been removed during the life of through refurbishment or are these some variant?



    Early Mk.2s (and possibly Mk.1s?) have bolted windows, later Mk.2s didn't.  All should have had swim boards, the degree to which they've been removed depends on who did the removing when it was decided that Stollies no longer needed to swim.


    • Like 1
  3. I have considered doing this on mine, but is the trouble really worth it?  If you want to drive it  a lot on roads just take the drive shafts out.  If you don't, leave them in.

    There's also the question of whether or not the wind-up is really an issue.  There's a lot of myth and rumour floating around but I know from experience with other vehicles that these things have a life of their own even when completely untrue.  Has anyone actually broken a drive line in  civilian ownership?


  4. On 8/14/2018 at 12:48 PM, Dan77 said:


    I have been thinking about this a lot. A dog clutch arrangement  with the shaft held by a bearing each side would work.  But it would Be nice to have the disconnect remote so you don’t have to crawl under the load deck.  Perhaps a take off from the air somewhere would do it.  

    Ask around on the Yahoo Stolly group ...


  5. Now I'm confused!

    There are three antenna sections - top (5985-99-649-8140), middle (5985-99-630-8455) and bottom (5985-99-630-8456), so one set of middles can't be longer than any others.

    I now think that a 4m HF antenna is top-middle-middle-bottom  but would be grateful for confirmation.


  6. I think they're just being careful about the water due to the heat.  I must have drunk several litres over two days with no effects, just let it run cold first.

    I agree entirely about the children on quads etc, there was a very young lad trundling around during the day on Tuesday.  He was being sensible but I still don't think he should have been there at all - what happens if he hits something/someone?  Mind you, some of the staff golf carts seemed to be aiming for a world speed record, so not much of an example ...


  7. Just back from two days as a visitor - the stalls seemed a bit down on last year (lots of what could politely be called "bric-a-brac") and there's a distinct shortage of heavy armour with the notable exception of Andy Baker's Challenger 1.  Still good fun though, and yes - 35 degrees on the car thermometer this afternoon!


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