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Posts posted by andym

  1. Funnily enough I was going to say something about the toilets too - nicely looked after and very pleasant to use.


    A real shame about the weather yesterday, but what do you expect for a Bank Holiday Monday? A lot of people had drifted away by lunchtime and when I volunteered to take the RB44 round the arena for the 4pm Post-War vehicles show I was the only one there!


    All in all, good fun. Thank you very much to the organisers.



  2. The RB44 is now safely parked up - gorgeous weather this afternoon as things start to come together, but forecast for rain first thing tomorrow. Might damp down the dust a bit!




    (I see we've still got the unwanted thumbnails problem!)




  3. thanks for all the kind words


    got to laugh though, i thought i was doing something important but once my wife told me about the bomb i couldn't care less if the tank got cut up, i just wanted to get home where they needed me.

    puts things into perspective! however the tank hasn't been cut up and normal play will resume shortly :)


    Good news on both fronts, then. Well done!



  4. Don't forget that Seaslug was in the middle of all this, too. I had the experience of visiting one of the last County Class destroyers on a trip to Portsmouth many years ago. All the length of the ship behind the bridge was a missile factory that put all the bits together in sequence until it emerged in a single piece on the launcher at the stern. Amazing!



  5. I think you'll find the site is now a Costco warehouse, judging by Google Maps and my local knowledge. I remember that area being a series of hangars and odd buildings before the site was sold off and redeveloped. Interestingly, one of those hangars (Q Shed) used to house Thrust SSC during its initial development and test runs.



  6. Hi

    i am trying to post an image that is uploaded to the attachments file, but I am buggered if I can get it to work. Can someone please tell me I'm idiot speak how to post images on the forum


    Read my post No.16 above? The Insert Image icon is in the second row block of four just below the font size and smileys.



  7. I assume that's electrical interference (suppression) testing rather than Tempest? Whereabouts was this at Farnborough? "Building 36" doesn't tally with the current site numbering system where all buildings have a letter in front of the numbers.



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