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Posts posted by andym

  1. OK, I'll give a step by step account of what I'm doing, uploading a file that's trimmed to 1000 pixels max:


    Click on the Insert Image icon, From Computer, Browse, Upload File:




    The image appears in the message box, hit Preview Post to see what's happened. I briefly see an error message about "function preg.match" and the duplicate thumbnail has appeared.


    I hope that helps?




  2. Richard, I too am uploading from my PC in a manner identical to the way I have uploaded many times before. It's an internal problem with the forum website, because as I said in my previous post there's an error message flashed up briefly when the post is submitted. Unfortunately it's too quick to catch. It's interesting that your post shows only the thumbnail rather than the full image.



  3. That's very impressive Andy at least it can see over the fortifications. I am currently at a MVT event at Caldicot Castle (Monmouthshire) where I am within the castle & can't see over the walls. Although I am by no means fully extended it can't match up to your length I'm afraid but managing to get out on 70cm, Okehampton & Essex best DX so far :(


    I think those are my first 70cm SSB contacts for 32 years :(




    Nice one, Clive! I'll see you at Overlord. :cheesy:



  4. Andy


    Looking really good - I assume the antenna is something more efficient than the EVHF ?



    73 de G0OZS


    It's a commercial 4m from Nevada because the EKGSA I'd use otherwise can't handle the power of the VRM5080. I'd better use the EKGSA at Overlord though, or I'll be moaned at! :cool2:



  5. I think there's currently a problem with the forum with similar symptoms. If I post a photo, even of small size, there's a brief flash of an error message about "preg mismatch" and the forum duplicates the photo as a thumbnail. I see this is also happening to other people's posts, not just mine.



  6. Here's my RB44 last Saturday at the Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club field weekend. The top two mast sections aren't extended as it was a bit windy and I didn't want to bother with guy ropes. It's fed either by a PRC352 or a VRM5080, depending which is plugged up to the patch panel.






  7. The War Office was largely staffed by civilians although some had had extensive service careers like this one. With such experience it makes me wonder whatever happened to him?




    Prime Minister 1940-45, In Opposition 1945-51, Prime Minister 1951-55, Died of a stroke 1965. ;)



  8. thanks, but sadly they are streakers, that have the auto box, and cummins engine. These are extremely difficult to road register (over width)



    I think they're actually a Stormer flatbed that usually appears as the Shielder variant. Did you actually mean you wanted a Stormer Terry, I thought they're all 2.76m wide with a Perkins diesel?



  9. There is only one adjusting screw and it's on the fan controller on top of the engine just behind the radiator. This photo is taken with the front of the controller and thermostat removed, the adjuster is under a cover.




    However I strongly advise against fiddling with it as he'll only upset the fan that's working. Both fans are fed from the same pipework so it's a problem with that individual fan motor. Silly question perhaps, but is that fan free to turn?


    (I wouldn't mind knowing the VRN of his Abbot by the way, mine is 08EB10)




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