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Posts posted by andym

  1. Are you restoring a submarine? :D




    A submarine battery is somewhat bigger than that, but you don't usually get the chance to see them out in the open. This is the battery shop at the old Admiralty Engineering Laboratory in West Drayton, sadly now just another housing estate:





    West Drayton Battery.jpg

  2. Actually, I'm not so sure...

    Imagine having no fuel cell to rupture and burn, no heat signature at idle, distribute batteries around the hull so any one hit won't disable the vehicle and either a single set of motors or hub motors in each road wheel so you can take several hits and keep moving. Oh, and as quiet as you can be and still run on tracks.

    The combat advantage to an electric MBT is enough that I suspect it will happen eventually.


    The logistic disadvantage is of course not insignificant, I can imagine some sort of towed generator that gets dropped as you get to the field of battle or large truck-mounted tenders.


    Zero Electric Motorcycles is already selling bikes to police and military customers, including for combat purposes (think infiltration fast-attack).


    Electric drive for MBTs is already happening, but they'll still need an onboard diesel generator. It's hardly a new idea either, the Sd. Kfz. 184. Elefant was a petrol-electric vehicle.



  3. Without going into the merits or otherwise of the ban, it is important to remember that it is the sale of new petrol & diesel vehicles that is going to be banned, not their use.


    It's the sale of new SOLEY petrol & diesel vehicles. Hybrids will still need petrol (or possibly diesel) so the sale of hydrocarbon fuels won't suddenly vanish overnight.



  4. Whilst on the subject of Amps, don't forget that US domestic supplies run on half the voltage that UK ones do, so require twice the current to deliver the same amount of power. Direct comparison of numbers doesn't work.


    I was talking to a neighbour over the Bank Holiday weekend who had just come back from a month in Germany working with a colleague who owns a Tesla S. The trick apparently isn't to charge the battery overnight but to keep it topped up by "sipping" through the day when stopping for lunch or a cup of coffee. With the Tesla "supercharger" that's very effective for someone doing a lot of mileage on relatively short trips, especially as the charging is free for the life of the car. You do, of course, need the infrastructure to do so.



  5. Hi Andy,


    Exhaust is in good condition , no rot , usable no problem.

    make me an offer , need it to go !





    It's really only the pipe that I'm after - mine has rusted out in the right-angle bend. £50?



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