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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. I think they were entitled to apply for defence medal but were automatically given a certificate of recognition for service,not sure if this was after stand down in 1944 or more likely once hostilities had ceased


  2. as Tony says spalling is the main danger involving the coming together of pillboxes and HE rounds ,the Germans got around this problem in thier atlantikwall bunkers by putting a steel plate in the roof of them to stop the shock wave penetrating and causing concrete to fall from the ceiling.Without this steel plate it was found that a cone shaped section of roof would come away when a bunker was hit from above

  3. I am not sure it was for sale,I think it could have been a customers vehicle in for work,either way it was in the best place cos it was bloomin wet outside


    still it could have been worse I spoke to a mate who was also there and he spent more on a towrope and a shovel to get his bogged down van out of the field than he did on parts for his ferret

  4. Tony, I remember seeing the model I presume you are talking about in the large department store in St Helier(les Riches?) not sure of the name as I try to avoid these kind of shops as my wife likes to get me to waste money on unnecessary perfume and jewelery etc(for her not for me I might add) when I should be looking in the militaria shops etc but now the two best ones have gone I need to find somewhere else to hide in town ,

    cheers Nigel

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