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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. thanks for that I have tried the mark lamerton book but what I am really after is pics to check on position etc of tank markings,I spoke to mark but he could not find any good pics but promised to keep looking so when I was in Jersey in may I went to the war tunnels and went through thier records but could only find pics showing the wrong angle or just to poor quality to help,also a friend is looking for details of cmp trucks taken by 135

    cheers Nigel

  2. come on folks dig deep if every body makes a donation it may not reach £300000 but every little helps and clearly the government no longer care about our veterans or our history.I for one will be in Normandy next year and would hate to not see the vets there

  3. the tunnel used for mushroom cultivation is a place I have seen many times and would love to visit as the cios did recently and I did in fact once see someone unlocking the gates as I drove past so parked up the road and walked back but unfortunately missed them but I shall try again when I am over in november


  4. I read through the whole thread attached to the blog last night and it is indeed fascinating stuff and definitely something I would love to find in my garden,just not sure that I would like to have my home occupied for 5 years to get it though.Ithink Ricks confusion as to the location of St Peters must stem fromGuernseys main town being St Peter Port

    As Tony says St Peters valley is indeed a very historic place in terms of ww2 and I have seen it compared to the valley of the kings for bunker archeologists


  5. I know it is short notice but here goes anyway there is a classic vehicle show on tonight on the green Croxley Green herts there was a hell of a lot of vehicles last year and plenty of public but virtually nothing military,just my b40 as far as I can remember,so if you are local and at a loose end why not come along.Free entry to all no age limit for vehicles and a couple of decent pubs nearby

  6. Mine often said would do better if he attended more fortunately my daugters are better she got highly commended on her ww2 history and sixties lifestyle homework cant see where she got that from


  7. looking forward to Detling this year as I have not been for three years and also because from Detling on satueday its a night in a motel and then early eurostar to Calais and a steady drive down to Ivy House Normandy to torture the family with another weeks ww2 history lessons ,I bet they cant wait either


  8. thanks for sharing the pictures folks ,I spent from 9am to 7.30 pm on thursday looking around and apart from a quick visit and much needed beer with fc101daz about 5pm I was on the move all day and still missed at least half the vehicles in the pictures,I really must go for a few days next year

    cheers ,Nigel

  9. We're going to have some co-ordination then. I'd love to do 'visitng forces' to other groups.

    Don't forget 2010 will be the 65th anniversary of the Liberation of the Channel Islands!


    going to Normandy with at least one bike but hopefully two along with a large group of ww2 allied bikes and already decided to do Jersey 65th anniversary a year later but will have bikes remarked as force 135 by then


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