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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. Mine for obvious reasons. There are feelers being put put about to do a another show in Jersey for the 65th anniversary. mine will be there come hell or high water. Tony from Axholme signs has practice making the signs for force 135 :-D . The actual Force was only in exestence for about seven weeks. Garrison vehicles on St Aubin's beach.


    oh well if you are taking your dodge and I am taking one or two bikes that will be astart but surely there is some other 135 vehicles out there somewhere ,the humber from mmi that I mentioned for a start,I would be interested in contact details for axholme signs if anyone has them as I will need petrol tank insignia for my bike to go with the force 135 badges on my BD

    cheers ,Nigel

  2. after seeing the humber scout car in mmi this month and noticing it was marked for force 135 I giot to thinking how many other 135 marked vehicles are around and does anybody have any plans on taking them to the channel islands for the 65th annivesry in may 2010


  3. When the desalination plant at Corbiere was built, a pond produced about about 1/2 ton of various small ordinace, and a couple of miles of barbed wire. Photos of the sort of stuf cleared. Anyone have an idea about the vehicle?

    is that a fuel storage tank in the halftrack picture similar to the one on display at La Vallette military museum in Guernsey?


  4. along similar lines,after the channel islands were liberated a large amount of ammo and weapons needed to be disposed of so they were loaded onto ships and dumped into the sea at Hurds deep just off Alderney,the large coastal guns were simply dropped over the cliff at Les Landes Jersey and 17 gun barrels can still be seen there to this day.I also remember reading about a lake in Guernsey which in 1976 got very low and exposed quite a few German weapons ,all these examples are well documented so it goes to show not all these stories are pure fantasy.


  5. I know Ians museum fairly well and have bought militaria from Ian as well as spending a fair bit of time chatting with him both in Jersey and at Beltring where he had a stall this year and do seem to recall that some of the collection from st Peters went to his museum and have seen the ex Jersey motor museum vehicles at the steam museum but it is the items from le Hogue Bie and the strawberry farm I wondered about ,mind you it is a long time ago that I saw these things so to be honest I cannot remember what was there.

    It does seem that the museums over there are suffering falling visitor numbers causing some to close I just hope that important occupation items do not end up getting sold to private collectors in the island or overseas and never seen by the public

  6. recently picked up a 1918 dated case with an engraved pattern for a fiver at the local tip and came very close to buying a german m36 helmet painted with a cartoon in the style of a Guernsey newspaper illustrator whose name escapes me at the moment depicting a british tommy freeing Guernsey from the shackles of the occupying forces.

    I know this helmet is now in Jersey so it has more or less gone home

  7. there must be an awful lot of militaria hidden away somewhere from Jersey with the closing of Strawberry farm ,St peters bunker the island fortress museum and the removal of atefacts from La hogue bie,I know the island fortress collection went to auction ,but where is the rest?

  8. :blush: Stand corrected. Anyone know where the gun went?


    I am not sure but I know that an 88 turned up at Richard Heaumes occupation museum in Guernsey shortly after the closure of the Strawberry farm so I assume it was the same one.

    It was a great shame that the strawberry farm closed not only because of the excellent museum there but also because I seem to remember them doing excellent cream teas,


  9. [


    Nigel - how was Ivy House? I hear it is for sale...one hell of a place for a business.


    Yes it is for sale and as you say a great place for a business ,it is being sold as a going concern ready to move in and carry on trading even got bookings for next year,the price seemed very reasonable to me considering the good will and reputation Steve and Sarah have built up.

    Even though it is for sale we booked for august next year as it always gets booked up early in the school holidays and it is too convenient a location to move away from


  10. I do feel sorry for the Tanks at Utah beach - wonder if they should be pulled off for a complete restoration in time for the 65th?


    not sure about the tanks at Utah but when I was there a couple of weeks ago the halftrack had a letter taped to the side of it from the local mayors office stating that it was in a dangerous condition and that it must be made safe which judging by the amount of rot will probably mean removal and cutting up


  11. somewhere on the internet is a site offering repro welbike frames and other parts but I cannot remember the site details for the life of me also I think you will find the engines being used are proper villiers junior engines from cyclemotors as used in original welbikes

    hope this helps

  12. as you say Tony panzer abt 213 were the only panzer battalion never to fire a shot in anger although when it arrived in Jersey in march 1942 it was mainly made up of young new recruits but did contain some seasoned veterans and as the war progressed many of the younger recruits were transfered to fight elsewhere


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