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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. we all know what should happen to scum like this but we also know that social services or the judge will explain about thier deprived childhood and how it is not thier fault but a sympton of modern society and how they should be pitied not punished after all they are victims and perhaps we should give them a nice holiday to get over the trauma and show them that no one blames them after all


    they are lucky I did not become a judge!

  2. Hi NIGEL,

    i have most items but the knife and fork are very elusive as is the jumper that was carried in the pack. I have a housrwife (but tatty) and most of the washroll contents,so the search goes on.




    Now you come to mention it I cant remember ever seeing one of the jumpers for sale although I have seen plenty of repros


  3. Very true mate , many years ago whilst looking thru some pidgeon hole shelves in an old warehouse we found boxes of king dick arrmy screw drivers, various tins of first world war one spotlight polishing powder and about 12 back pack frames for the front of bsa bicycles....

    Could do with another find like it .........:coffee:



    I presume this is why the question about the everest carriers came up,do you still have them or was it just out of interest?


  4. Dear santa ,

    as ive had to put up with x factor every bloody week:argh:(partner and 3 girls love it ) please could i have the following (see pic) sorry its not military , might look good in O.D tho :tup::



    whoops!!!!!!! at first glance I thought why does he want a TR7 with a body kit





  5. Also i belive (i could be wrong)that all war time bits if webbing had Brass buckles as apposed to the post war black metal types.

    Some of this stuff can be cheap on e-bay and at Beltring if you are prepared to hunt around, one of the diffulculties is trying to find the personal contents of the small pack which i am trying to complete at present.





    what personal effects are you looking for Ashley ?presumably you mean washing and shaving kit etc ,if this is so try sabre sales in Southsea they have razors,shaving brushes soap tins wash rolls,mess tins ,water bottles etc although it is dependant on what period things you are looking for as some may not be wartime dated and soap dishes although usually 44/45 dated were apparently rarely issued until after the war .One other strange point to note is that although war time dated forks and spoons are relatively cheap and easy to find war time knives seem to be vitually non existent and therefore pricey




    ps how do I know this ? I collected 2 full sets for use in Normandy this year

  6. bcoy1cpb.pacdat.net/bsa_historic.htm this is a link to a very good site showing history of airborne bikes and atating that the carriers fitted are indeed everest carriers,I am not sure that the name necessary has anything to do with the mountain but may be the name of the manufacturer or designer


  7. Hi Rob the bike in the picture looks almost too good to paint green but hopefully that will also be a reflection of its mechanical condition,dont be too worried about the pannier frames as not all bikes were fitted with them until later in the war as for the tank you have several option either one with a cutout on the rear conrner to allow the Vokes Air Filter pipe to go to the tank top box or as I have on mine a normal shaped tank and no tank top filter either way I am sure you will have loads of fun at 45-50 mph,no sports bike but great fun!


  8. The carrying frame attached to the front of "Para bikes" is not the Everest frame, that came out well after D day and is a rectangular aluminium frame. The parabike frame is A shaped with a forward facing platform covered in canvas which also folds. I tried to put up some pictures but upload failed?


    Having owned a couple of these bikes for a good few years I have spent a fair bit of time trawling the net,speaking to other collectors and visiting museums in search of info and it has always been my understanding that the carriers used on these bikes are everest carriers,it may well be that a later frame is also called the everest carrier .

    These carriers can be seen in use by British cmmandos as they prepare and load for the Normandy landings in 1944 on Colin Macgregor Stevens website which credits the pictures to IWM and states that the bikes are fitted with everest carriers.

    One thing that is wrong is that during wartime service they were not known as parabikes ,but airborne folding bicycles

    regards Nigel

  9. sounds like what you have is an everest carrier ,it should be a black frame with leather straps attached for fixing to the bike,there are pictures of these on bikes issued to first wave troops prior to D Day but I am not sure how much actual combat use they got,as to value I have seen them from £20 up to £100 for one with it original pack fitted at Beltring this year


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