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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. glad to hear you got back ok ,we made the ferry with about five minutes to spare ,the drinking couldnt have been my fault I was too p"££ed to make an important decision like that.It is a shame that I see you have a matchless now cos I could have thought about selling you mine(not) but you wouldnt want 2 would you


  2. Just wanted to thank Julian for the petrol in Normandy saturday I did not realise how low I was and would not have made it to the gas station so it was a life saver,hope your young lady was not tootraumatised from the pillion ride round the beach and if we meet up again sometime she is more than welcome to take the bike for a spin


  3. just got back from Normandy with my m20 had some great times and ride outs,144 Brit wd bikes riding together sure looked good and sounded even better ,finished up in Arromanche ,all parked on seafront and then took all the bikes down onto the sand for photos etc and left 144 oil stains on the pavement so anyone there in the future will know where we parked.for pictures check out the wdm20 website

    It was good to meet friends old and new out there although fc101daz and his brother Greg looked about the same as I felt sunday morning after we stayed in the campsite bar with several mad Irishmen until 3.20am


  4. I am heading off to join the wd bike tour in Normandy on thursday with my m20 ,a large proportion of us are camping at Etreham near Port En Bessin ,visiting pegasus bridge friday and Arromanches for the day on saturday,drop in for a beer and a chat if you are in the area


    Ps shouldnt be too hard to find as I think there is only 1 campsite in Etreham and certainly only 1 with over 100 brit bikes on it

  5. I think people will realise this misaprehension that the Americans alone saved France is not a belief held by the average Frenchman by the reaction we get in Normandy ,I feel sure the vets will get the welcome respect and gratitude they truly deserve and hopefully the politicians will get the feeling they may not be really required this time


  6. looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible,coming over on the 4th to Etrham and staying for 4 days ,shouldnt be too hard to find as I will be with over 100 other brit bikes should sound good coming inti Arromanches


  7. it is my first time for the anniversary in june as well although I have been to Normandy several times later in the year and we shall be staying at Etreham which is close to Omaha and Gold beach so we may bump into with luck,we should be fairly easy to spot as will be with a group of over 100 allied wartime bikes


  8. M20s are heavy thats for sure but they are also pretty indestructable ,I got hit side on by a reversing vw golf on sunday whilst adjusting the carb on mine and once me and the bike were upright again a quick inspection revealed a bruised left leg and right ankle paint scratched on the clutch lever and a vw with a smashed rear light ,damaged rear bumper and several dents to the rear panel along with the drivers hurt ego.I also have to agree about the b40 it is a capable and enjoyabke bike to ride but not that easy to come by still in military trim as many have become trials irons and field bikes


  9. I took my m20 out for a ride for drive it day and rather wish I had not,after stopping in a parking area in front of some local shops to adjust the carb I lent down to turn the mixture screw and as I looked up what do I see? a black vw golf reversing straight at me ,next minute left leg squashed against bike and then right leg trapped under bike and hot exhaust.The car driver got out saying sorry he did not see me and was I okay,I said could you not hear me or see me , he said not (must be deaf as well as blind because that bike aint quiet)anyway I took his details only to find he lived next door to a jeep owning friend of mine.Fortunately only damage to my bike was scratched paint but he needs a bumper repair some paintwork and a new rearlight(and perhaps some mirrors)


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