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Sean N

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Everything posted by Sean N

  1. Look at one of the parcel aggregators, such as P4D or Parcel2Go, or the shippers such as Hermes, UPS, ParcelForce. Provided you can get approximate weights and dimensions you should be able to book it all via the website and arrange collection and delivery. I'd recommend P4D personally, very helpful and have real people you can speak to.
  2. Finger tight plus 1/3 to 1/2 a turn using the spanner. Having said that, I'm not sure they do a lot in reality.
  3. I seem to recall there are extensive papers available online about all the minute variations, nomenclature, policy for phasing out, etc., if one is interested enough to read them. Personally I'm not!
  4. Thanks all. Mike, I'm not sure if there are headlamp and spotlamp versions of these lights, or just different but similar looking lights. At one time I'd have been able to tell you instantly but having not dealt with them for some years, I'm struggling to recall a lot of the detail. If I find more I'll let you know.
  5. Thanks Clive. I wasn't sure whether these generic classifications covered items that were specific to a vehicle type or class of vehicles but weren't from the vehicle manufacturer, if you see what I mean. John's found a similar cover though of a slightly different design. Be interesting to know what they were used on, or if they were a replacement for the old canvas covers.
  6. Hi Richard, BCF is Halon 1211 / 1301, same stuff; it was banned under the Montreal Protocol except for essential users, which is how the MoD kept using it. There's nothing like it for effectiveness for such a small volume of extinguishant, but the MoD are trying to phase it out gradually, but the end date is between 2020 and 2040!
  7. I have an observation hatch / cupola cover here which I bought ages ago. It's LV6/MT13 2510-99-825-0436 Cover, I assume it's designed to replace the old canvas covers as it fits well, and it's made of some composite plastic material. The NSN websites also list it as FV754028 Cover, Observation Hatch. Anyone know if this was just a general use thing or for some particular vehicle? I haven't seen them fitted to anything and I haven't seen any others for sale, but that's probably more me not paying attention than a reflection of its rarity!
  8. I've never been too impressed with the Solexes of the period but I'm not sure you can attribute the differences in fuel economy solely to the carburettor and ignore the differences in engine design!
  9. Anyone know any sources for FV headlight parts - the bowl, rim, ring, bezel, gasket etc?
  10. Too young, I'm afraid, Larry - just! A quick Google throws up plenty of references for the series but none for anything after Vol. 10. Perhaps he'd just covered everything, or perhaps they weren't selling well enough to justify continuing? http://www.librarything.com/series/War+Planes+of+the+Second+World+War
  11. Many Matadors with the standard bodies were also winch fitted.
  12. Mike is right. A lot of the type approval etc. stuff is not applicable and you don't need to fill it in.
  13. Hello Martin, I am very jealous, have always fancied an RSO. Good luck with the project - it looks as though there's a fair bit to do! Photo for you:
  14. As in whether they're still there or not, or as in they've gone but no-one knows where? In a similar vein, what's the situation with the Syrian emplaced PzIVs given the current ... uncertainties?
  15. Of course it is, what a twit. Too many parts in my head, not paying attention. I know it as well, so no excuse; they're pistons for the 2 litre series 1 engine. They could be, I wondered that but I don't have a parts catalogue for those engines.
  16. While we're on part numbers, I have just unearthed the following, if anyone has the time and patience. Please don't go out of your way: Rootes 7/RU 246346 Piston, Standard (packed in fours, so for a four cylinder engine) Austin 7/AN 1D.1515 Liner, Cylinder BMC 7/BMC 1D.1536 Taper Compression Ring (packed in 6s, so a six cylinder engine) BMC 7/BMC 162038 Tappets Ford 7/FD 18-6150-C Ring, Piston, +0.015" Gardner 7/GA 1/97/11/43A Sprayer (i.e. injector - these look like LW injectors to me) Leyland 227564D.MM2 injector (packed in 6s, no VAOS prefix, the number is from the injectors themselves) LV10 FV143103 Dipstick 7/RR RE3043 Valve, Exhaust 7/RR EB 5853 Valve, Inlet - I think these are for post-war 4.25 and 4.5 straight six engines, i.e. Mk VI, R-type, S1, early Silver Cloud but I don't see the military connection. LV6/MT9 CDR/APSA 965T Distributor A.P. (presumably air pressure) servo, Clayton Dewandre. This may well be Bedford and possibly even RL!!
  17. Thanks Richard. That was quick - I haven't got my Bedford parts lists out yet!
  18. Think it's Kurust you're thinking of, Gordon, and if it isn't available there are plenty of similar products.
  19. Again, this is only from memory, but I understood that those service branches that had different colour vehicles - such as navy blue or RAF blue / grey - lost that distinction early in the war and only regained it post-war; though I suspect as with all these things there were local variations and some pre-existing kit didn't get painted. I can't find the reference for this now though!
  20. Incidentally thanks very much to everyone, and particularly Richard and Clive, for your help (so far!) identifying these parts.
  21. Yes, it may be that the reduced overhang and higher bed change the proportions as you say. I fancied it was a bit shorter from comparison with Mike's photo and what's in my head, but the different angle probably doesn't help either. Nice looking truck, I like that short pugnacious look.
  22. Incidentally, Clive, I wouldn't dream of taking you to task on anything! Just feel extra information is always useful.
  23. Ted, is it also a slightly shorter wheelbase?
  24. It might be a labelling error, it's on some '60s A series engine parts the rest of which are labelled 7/BMC e.g. bearing shells. I have 9/BLC on a Champ steering rack gaiter (2F-6024 or FV14581). 7/AN and 7/ML I have, 7/ML also on Morris Commercial. I think I have seen 7/BMC on some BMC supplied parts for pre-BMC Austin vehicles e.g. K9. If I find anything I'll let you know out of interest. I assume parts for BMC built Austins e.g. Mini would be labelled 7/BMC rather than 7/AN, so they wouldn't distinguish between different badge engineered vehicles? Thanks for finding a reference for those rod ends. I can identify from my Bedford catalogues now, hopefully. I have a feeling the other ones are Bedford or Austin as well, but the relevant parts catalogues I have only give the makers' part number, not the suppliers'. To continue the 7/ML or 7/BMC theme here's a Morris part I haven't pinned down! It's given as LV7/BMC 1G-4507 Possibly a steering trunnion?
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