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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. Sorry to hear that Jack :-( Mark Heliops is a big fan of theirs too after last weekend :roll: Could we take this opportunity to air forum members' experiences of the different schemes available to us? I'm thinking cost, quality of service etc. I'm with RAC Commercial but having heard how Mark got on, I'm tempted to sign up to Roadsure.
  2. I'm enjoying all these threads and photos. I hope this event gets repeated. btw. I think that animal is a Patagonian Cavy or Mara. Goodness knows what it was doing in Suffolk!
  3. Andy, Agreed! In the opinion of everyone I've discussed this with so far, it's 99.9% certain to be the result of axle wind-up either due to tyre circumference or pressure differences. There is no inter-axle diff. I noticed cupping on some of the rear tyres and what I would have though was unacceptable play on the middle axle input shaft (approx 5mm axial movement as the prop is rocked, compared to almost nothing for the rear axle). This perhaps combined with a worn prop and the axle wind-up could provide the circumstances for failure. On the bright side parts are available. There are at least 3 people who have parts trucks in this country as well as several European dealers with large stocks of parts (e.g. Jeepest, Army Cars and Ets. Beke in Paris). I would go for new parts wherever possible though, with the exception of the prop and brake chamber bracket which will have to be obtained. A second-hand brake chamber could be re-furbed as the diaphragms are available. I imagine the taper roller bearings are standard components. - Mike
  4. I heard a dedication on Chris Evans' show at 18:30 tonight for 'jeep jockey' on his/her way to Suffolk. Anyone on here?
  5. We'll be down there from the 14th setting up the big Gulf War 1 display. From then on Grasshopper and I can usually be found upside-down in the engine bay of something sand-coloured surrounded by piles of tools and left-over parts. If the legs sticking out are long and have comedy knees they're mine, short ones are his. At this rate our first job of the week after set-up may well be to install a CVRT gearbox :roll: Do come and say 'hi'!
  6. You could always buy some of that 'spray-on mud' that the Chelsea tractor owners use. It's for vehicles whose owners don't dare take them off road for fear of scratching the paint :whistle:
  7. Count me and Grasshopper in with 3 or 4 vehicles.
  8. I thought recovery vehicles were exempt from class C license but can't find it now so I must've been thinking of the testing reg's. - Mike
  9. Not by the letter of the law but it'd probably be a good idea to have one. Good to meet you too Simon, and the others of course. We were both very impressed with how well-built the TM is and what good condition yours is in.
  10. There's one just appeared on ebay... :evil:
  11. Product improvement - that explains the price :evil:
  12. Or give them the slapping they so richly deserve! Sadly this has been booked for months so I'm not sure how I can get out of going. I don't mind too much about losing the £20 fee, but I don't think my friends will be very impressed if I tell them I've had a better offer elsewhere :-(
  13. Aha, so that's where it's hidden! Thanks Jon. This thing has sat for 8 months, I choose to start using it again the day we get the worst rain in the history of history, and the wipers start playing up :roll:
  14. Don't! I can't come. I'm committed to camping with friends who are almost certainly going to spend the weekend bickering about their inconsequential 'relationship issues'. I'd much prefer to be driving trucks and drinking avgas. Here's hoping the show will be repeated and publicised earlier ( :roll: ) next year. Looking forward to the photos.
  15. Is this an annual show or a one-off? - Mike
  16. Hi all, Does anyone have any hints and tips as to how to replace a 110 wiper motor? (Symptoms are that it stopped halfway across the screen during all yesterday's rain and there was an acrid smell in the vehicle. I pulled the fuse and carried on. When I stopped I put the fuse back in, left the ignition on and was able to push the arms down and they started moving again but now it doesn't achieve full travel in either direction and the fast speed only works intermittently.) Thanks in advance - Mike ps. it's a military Landy
  17. Last one of the panorama, MilitantGraham's and Grumpys AECs and 3 WW2 heavy trucks.
  18. Panoramic view taken from the roof of the pickup.
  19. Hi Jim, I'm glad someone got some photos of that! Grasshopper and I were eating lunch at about 15:30 at Reading services today when we realised in horror that we hadn't put the engine back on the DT :blush:. You obviously found someone to do it. Really sorry about that! It was good to meet you guys and have an excuse to play. It was a great show and one to go back to next year with bigger toys. I'll post some photos later tonight if I don't fall asleep. The journey back to London in the Ward took 5 1/2 hours and it bucketed down all the way so I'm shattered :yawn2: - Mike
  20. In an astoundingly uncharacteristic bout of efficiency from the DVLA, the tax disc and number plate form came in the post this morning - & I only had the inspection yesterday :schocked:. Plates are now on order so I should be able to play early next week! Mark, We're in Coulsdon which is not too far from you. Can I interest you in the Redhill Steam Fair? 11th & 12th August and only a half hour drive from Bromley. There's a thread on it in the events section. PM me for more info. - Mike
  21. Thanks for your kind comments Mark. I'm based in S. London. It'll be at Kemble this weekend, a few other odds and sods and Beltring. Had my DVLA inspection this morning so I'm now waiting (hopefully) to find out the reg. so I can get plates made and go out and play 8-) It's only been a month and a half since the MoT... Sadly though, due to the pressure of having too many vehicles and not enough space it's gonna have to be sold, so if anyone's interested PM me for details. (offers around £9,500)
  22. That was either your fault or Nick's. Certainly not mine as I'm a genius and would never do anything that stupid :whistle:
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