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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. It's not officially published until late May. The press launch is on the 22nd.
  2. Listen man, Back in the sixties when my dad was a bus conductor and my mum was a...bus conductor; we abandoned all for a life of equality in East Germany.The workers paradise. My dad was sick of the class system, the price of beer, the nouveau riche and all those damned prols. So we boarded the boat train at Liverpool Street and sailed from Harwich of the Konigin Juliana to the Hoek. Then we boarded a succession of steadily ageing trains to Berlin; by the time we arrived we were on a huge black steam engine which had red flags fluttering on the front; I kid you not. At the iron curtain we had a bit of a problem because my mother wouldn't come out of the loo for the goon with the gun. But after that, all was well. We moved into a little hotel off the Ku-Dam in west Berlin and my dad met his contacts, a cockney bloke and another odd fellow and there we were - across the border in to East Berlin to stay....or rather not. My mother was horrified to see people queuing for plums and other rotten fruit at a stall with an armed guard. She decided she preferred Marks and Spencers and my dad was completely outvoted, regardless of his class consciousness. We went back to West Berlin and frolicked around the city. We saw the famous Wall museum and fresh memorials along it. Then we came back to Stoke Newington. My dad went on to work for Rupert Murdoch. What can I say. I was never a class warrior or had any notions of travelling/hippyness. I wanted to be soldier and defend my country (prat). I was 24463988.. until they found me out. Now I am here. I have never been called Dave. Sometimes people call me Martin. People call me Marcus at their peril. MB
  3. Everyione knows the answer is always "42". Mind you if you're on baby boomer trivial pursuit it could well be Paul McCartney or Nottingham Forest. MB
  4. Good idea. I still have it in my favourites but hadn't visited for some time. Not sure if he's added anything new. Quality fun. The military scrap yard near Grenoble looks amazing. MB
  5. wot? Dontcha know ow to spell the kween's inglish? Me neither.
  6. And night exercises and marshalling charity events and church parades and other parades and adventure training and camping and the band and ..... 1312 Sqdn at Southend keep him busy
  7. Tony gets a commission from Dodge. Welcome to the forum. MB
  8. No, not at all...I think your post was fine. Made perfect sense. I don't set the best Mods example by some of the random nonsense I put about. But that's me.... MB
  9. Dirty books? Shock horror. If James is looking at dirty books, I'd prefer not to know....Do they teach that sort of stuff in the Air Training Corps? I thought it was all aircraft recognition and drill. M
  10. I've been to a chap (for CMV) who collected MVs and classics with the best of intentions, but they all seem to mount up and end up being a curse. He realised he had to concentrate on maintaining one and the others regularly find themselves advertised in the usual places and are unsold as far as I know. Shame. Maybe that is the case here? You're right that it is good to see the Morris in the hands of somone who can devote time to it. MB
  11. Blimey I was right.....and before lunchtime, too. Pass the sauce. MB
  12. 6X6, Very interesting. Is there anything written on the back of these prints? stamps or marks???? Looks like the 3 tonner model CMP to me, which I think is a F60 from poor memory. Someone refer to Bart and show my plankdom up please.... MB
  13. Totally agree with all of this. Nothing to add on that score. I admit to being guilty for being a bit whimsical and diverting things off course from time to time. But it's all done in the best spirit. MB
  14. John, It was a bloody shame we lost so much and I know you've had other disappointments to dull your enthusiasm. I haven't posted snaps for a while, but I can appreciate how dispiriting it must have been. Personally, I'm happy to see anything you can be 4rsed to post up because I like diversity. It takes time and you should be thanked for trying again. Just keep the humour going.... it's all appreciated. Many thanks, MB
  15. Call Bill Oddie..... Very interesting. Now my Iltis is in a garage, I think this is less likely. I used to get some huge spiders in it and a tramp slept in it one night - or a drunk; no one is sure...it must have been blimmin' uncomfortable. M
  16. Are we related in some way neither of us knows about?
  17. Good timing, I like it here. MB
  18. What ho Brigadier, Me too. My eyes are definitely 'ucked and it isn't much of a help considering I am a photographer ......(no tittering at the back). Maybe Jack can get us all a discount at Specsavers. I can't even type my own phone number. I've spent 22 years handling pix of Page 3 girls (however I say it, it will invite scorn/ ridicule or yet more tittering) and this may have something to do it and actually met some of them...not the massive pleasure you might expect. Apparently one of them was really good at... ...but she wasn't interested in librarians; but this was in the days when footballers spoke the local dialects; so they were of no interest either. Pass the sauce M
  19. Snapper

    Whats Goin On

    Saw something similar - definitely naval or RAF - in Benfleet creek for a while and intended to snap it, but as ever, it vanished when my back was turned.
  20. Iltis sale fell through this merry morning and I'm actually in France next weekend taking a party round the Somme. In happier times I'd have loved to be there, but life is suspended until the Iltis moves on. Mb
  21. Camion Bazar Militaire, which would lead me to think it's a military lorry display, exhibition, test, or sale. MB
  22. We did. It needs relooking at. However, I have a vested interest here as I am preparing the HMVF MV book. I'm keen to talk with whoever gets involved in this project about running the two in tandem, though the book has no place for prices because they will date so quickly. However, the two can run beautifully in harmony, so we will need to agree a joint strategy. As you all know I have been working on pilot chapters of the book for the publisher and am pleased to say that the chosen subjects have gone well on many levels. A suitable text to satisfy them initially is ready; but I welcome further input. In point of fact I enquired of 23 forum members about the GMC and have so far received seven really useful information documents from our friends with roughly the same number promised. I am more than willing to share this info and discuss methods. I think it would be irritating to all and sundry for example if I asked about a particular vehicle one month, and then the price guide did the same a month later. We are working to different deadlines and I need to prioritise for obvious reasons but we can get along swimmingly - even when I'm bonkers. So, lets talk. Barnes
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