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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Space....the final frontier.
  2. Oh I dunno...it seemed to be going along alright once Tony had got his feet on the pedals....:-D
  3. If we can get approval from the arena people, I am happy to play. If we're lucky we should get much better conditions than last time. Talk about it amongst yourselves, I'll be there.
  4. I was once chastised by a well known commercial vehicle collector for brushing my arm against one of his Bedfords on the Brighton sea front during the finale of whatever year's Brighton Run it was....I thought he over reacted somewhat and my brother in law, who will read this, might have liked to deck him...It wasn't so much his complaint, it was the manner, so to speak. Tw4t. When I was a volunteer at Duxford (before the wife found out) I made the horendous mistake of touching a Spitfire with the tip of my index finger in view of a total Rsoul who went in to full Blakey mode and told me I had damaged a million pound aircraft.
  5. Most of my Bunker Bash snaps relate to the ceremonial killing of the Renault 5. I'm pleased with many of them...normal service for me, really. I'm better with cameras than spanners, which is a shame sometimes... Have fun with your Munga. Very nice things.
  6. I'm sure that's the same desert Quad and limber that used to do the HCVS London to Brighton in days gone by. Royal Artillery museum, I think. Someone will correct me. I haven't seen it since the early 1990s at least. It may be even longer. Nice pix Bodger...cheers
  7. Good man. I'm jealous (not of the babe magnet bit, of course....never been a problem for me....:-D)
  8. Last seen peddling over a hill towards Ongar.....he might be there by now. Good new site there Lee. Harry is a clever chap. I found my profile in the end......:coffee:
  9. Nothing wrong with Mutts. I'd like one myself. Giving it serious thought. All I have to do is offload my Iltis first. I've finally signed up to eBay to hopefully facilitate this. MB
  10. Take no notice, Mike. All the same, I'd like to put a Kenworth and a WLF together for a snap. It would be interesting to try and do a spot the difference. Check your PMs, Mike. We are in business. MB
  11. Have a glorious time here Mungaman....
  12. You could always deploy it at the rider, 118, with a boxing glove on the end like in The Dandy. Might knock some sense into him.
  13. With the Iltis I get/got Is it amphibious? Was it in Iraq? Your Kubelwagen is the wrong colour Is it a kit car? Why hasn't it got any guns? Funny looking Land Rover.... and so on.. MB
  14. The chap selling jeep raffle tickets at the Bunker, who does the heavy vehicle moving said he wasn't letting anyone on site til the 7th, I'm sure. M i've corrected my dopey typo....KEN is the chap. He does the cooking for the event staff as well. THANKS LEE!!!!
  15. These are British Official pix, meaning they were taken by military photographers in the field. Looking at the reverse sides - We have similar images in one of our collections at sunny Murdoch Towers and I am almost certain, thanks to the chinagraph underlining shown, some of these prints form part of the collection which was junked the News of the World when Murdoch acquired it. Great swathes of newspaper library pictures have been sold off and abandoned down the years, so there are no comebacks. The Daily Mirror and Daily Express in London and Manchester have all done terrible deeds to pix archives - even quite recently. Terrible. However, we continue to seek material belonging to the Times and News of the World which were lost (if I told you why I'd have to shoot several retired gentlemen) in 1986 during the unseemly rush from Fleet Street to Waplitz. The whole Times "uncensored" war pix archive was inadvertently left on the roof of the Times building in Grays Inn Rd (where it resided in an outhouse) when the Times moved out. The "famous" News of The World Crypt (which housed pix and documents going back centuries) was left in Bouverie Street and lost. By telling you this I don't expect anyone to tell me! I've got enough to look at (today it is The Sun bus in Moscow with page 3 girls........) MB
  16. Why? Whats wrong with a football pitch sized tin of St Bruno?
  17. I'm no expert (as you all know) - but I doubt if an important church like this one would bite the dust. It's been around longer than the modern blocks and would be considered heritage, surely?? The Garrison church at Shoebury has survived the long since departed khaki corps. But, I admit I've never seen it open. Interesting subject. My father in law says never discuss politics and religion. But saving a barracks church is a campaign issue in my humble opinion. MB
  18. No sign of the bonnet - but we've got a new seat in our lounge....:-D
  19. Got back to the Bunker on sunday PM just in time to see the firemen cut my Renault to pieces and then see Dave and the gunners blow it up with a little help from Lee and the gang. I've got a mass more photos to post, but am booked up til tmrw, so will do asap. Great to meet Mr Banner at last and sorry I missed Catweazle and others. Rambo was leaving as I arrived. Nice to see young Harry again and all the organiser team. YOUR Hard work paid off. Congratulations. My gang of mates who came on Saturday really enjoyed themselves despite the weather and say thanks. See you all there next year. Sorry I had no MV this year, and thanks for the comments about it!! I think. MB
  20. Well done to Lee, Ian and everyone involved with the Bunker Bash. What a shame that all their hard work would be, shall we say, bunkered by the good old English weather. Nonetheless things were going well. Good to see some friendly faces and have a beer. My gang - the Muftimuppets, enjoyed themselves recreating the undercover SAS catering squad. Not a ladel in sight by the time the cloudbase dropped. I'm hoping to get back tomorrow. My few snaps include Mike and Mark using their WLFs to lift Mike's Spartan. There is a nice snap of my old Renault, which meets Valhalla tomorrow if all goes to plan... MB
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