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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Welcome to the Friendly Forum.... Good to have you here MB
  2. Bloody nice truck, Hanno. Good call. MB
  3. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Enjoy your visits and join in the fun. MB
  4. Battle of Britain participant Hurricane pilot Sergeant John Hugh Mortimer Ellis, better known as Hugh; had the nickname Cock Sparrow in 85 Squadron. On August 29th, 1940 he was shot down in flames while flying L1915 by Bf109s and bailed out unhurt. The plane came down at Brigden Hill Farm near Ashburnham at 1600 hours. He had a day and a half of life remaining. On September 1st he was flying Hurricane P3150 when he was shot down and killed over Orpington. His remains were not found until 1992.
  5. Among a mix of nationalities buried with the British and Commonwealth dead at Sai Wan in Hong Kong is Lieutenant R C Gamble of the Philippine Guerilla Army.
  6. "TOSH" A FINE SOLDIER. A FINE SON AND BROTHER. BUT ABOVE ALL A FINE MAN. This is the grave of 26 year old Captain David Hicks MC of the 1st Royal Anglians who was killed in Afghanistan in August 2007. He had been mortally wounded during an attack on his base, but went back to leading his men before he died. He was originally recommended for the VC, but was eventually awarded the Military Cross. There was no doctor at his base and the MoD had to face tough questioning over whether it's policies contributed to his death.
  7. Here is a grave at Brookwood with an unusual double badge. Sergeant Beckanovitch of the 1st Division, Serbian Volunteers and 27 yr old Private EG Allen of the 2nd Bn Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Whichever next of kin or representative filled in the registration card for Allen didn't think to add his full names, but did record his late parents, John and Marion.
  8. CORRECT! Sounds like the intelligent thing to do. MB
  9. amazing stuff. I would definitely like to learn more about the restoration as it happens, so welcome further installments as and when you have time, Jim. MB
  10. WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY FORUM Good to have you here. Always good to welcome a friend of Bovy. I was a volunteer at DX for a while; but time was never on my side then any more than it is now. Have fun. MB
  11. Not unlike the green tracked vehicle in Space 1999. Still have my Dinky example. The snaps of the tractors in the new Pearsons book are just stunning (as is the rest)...I remember one at Beltring a few years back. Think there was a Minitanks version. Sure there was. But I have to say I've always preferred the tractor Adrian has (happy memories of it in the Hop Farm arena - and have some great snaps somewhere) and I recall building the Hasegawa kit - 1/72nd scale - in the mid 70s.
  12. Quality...keep 'em coming. Pink = Jack on the road.
  13. Snapper


    New to me. Good fun. MB
  14. Right then. Can some kind soul(s) create a flag locker for us - via this thread - with a run down of what is what? Doesn't have to be lengthy or verbose llike my twaddle. Just collating info first of all. Suitable snaps welcome too. simpleton barnes thinking along the lines of: Green = whatever blue = whatever etc At some point "we" should be able to find suitable graphics (hopefully) and flowery prose can be added as required by a certain person if needs be.:cool2: MB HMVF Social Services
  15. ooooooooooooooooooooooohh!! Good afternoon, Mr B. Now, let us return to the serious weighty aspect of the original question. A parking bay for Zimmer frames will be made available, once we've been able to shift Jack's rustheap. M
  16. Welcome to the Friendly Forum.
  17. There was one in it's evil twin - Mosquito Squadron. They put a big gun in the turret and panzerised it.
  18. In the dark recesses of the autumn my wife informed me she would be doing a cancer charity run in the spring and that she expected me to be in her support team. So I had to promise without giving it any further thought. Date formally announced yesterday....guess which weekend! I'll only be there on Sunday by the look of it. James and I had planned to camp all weekend. MB
  19. Sorry it took so long to organise. I had to use the train at the weekend for the first time in ages, while the crashed Toyota is repaired. The light was lovely and it was a fine morning. Unfortunately I did not have a lot of time. Hope these snaps are alright. They're in the archive, so are retrievable at some juncture. But I owe loads already! M
  20. The panel for the Empire Bison faces the bench to the left of centre with the tree coming down behind it. The sun will be on it in the morning. To take this snap U pretty much had to stand with my back to the panel for the Severn Leigh, discussed separately. For those interested, the building in the background is the former headquarters of the Port of London Authority and is now used regularly as a film set. To it's right is Trinity House, the headquarters of the organisation in control of lighthouses etc. Just round the corner from this is the original London base of Toc H, Tubby Clayton's hostel. I was a boy scout in the building during 1972-4 with 1st City of London, Lord Mayor's Own troop. We were a bunch of animals. All the kids bar me and few others lived on the dockers estates round the London dock. They were hard times as the docks were closing and immigrants were moving in, causing upheaval. Time moves on. I used to enjoy larking around the MN war memorial in those days...ignorance is bliss. The Great WarMemorial (behind the camera) is a Lutyens design. It should have been built in a grander form up on the Embankment, but this would have entailed the removal of the Bazalgette gate, which offended many people. I've read that one reason was that the 'base sort' of people who would have used the memorial and the well-heeled would not agree with that.
  21. The good Mr Whyte in close up.
  22. Here is the full list of the Empire Bison. The problem now, Rick, is you'll want to look up all the others. MB
  23. Stunning pictures, Richard. Scanning transparencies and negatives take time, but material like this is priceless. MB
  24. Did the snaps today, Rick. Will post when I get home this evening. Only had my pocket snapper - but they should be OK> M
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