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Everything posted by haybaggerman

  1. Photos PLEASE, especially of the brackets inside. Please see my next post regarding poss RFC. Thanks Paul
  2. Hi Its definitely uparmoured, vision blocks, extra armour and new drivers seat (not sure of relevance of last one). It looks like it may once have been RFC, I'll post a couple of pics and would be interested in your oppinion. It certainly started life as a mark 2 (2 piece turret) APC, the uparmouring also includes a metal skirt around the bottom of the turret (presumed that was to keep out fire bombs etc). Will come back with pics this pm. Cheers Paul
  3. "Dear Diesel Demon, bung me a cheap airfare and I will be delighted to come over for a week and eat you out of house and home and assist!" Don't let Robin near your water tank!!!
  4. A bloke turned up today to service a forklift and of course, used to be in saracens in NI. He thinks that my saracen may well have been part of a bomb disposal team along with pigs (which would have carried the wheelbarrows). My saracen is up armoured for NI but is also an ACV, it also has two mountings for large radio masts. One of the roles carried out by saracen was apparently to sweep for radio signals and provide jamming signals to stop the detonation of bombs. Does anyone have any info, photos etc about these bomb disposal teams and their equipment? I'd love to be able to see the kind of kit that would have been onboard. Cheers Paul EDit title should of said "used" not "unused". Doh!
  5. Spent along time getting the ferret ready for a vintage show today, and it basically got ignored next to the saracen which got ALOT of attention.
  6. I've got the DVD, didn't give it a thought when I watched it. I'll check if its there.
  7. Doh! I meant to say ferret BRAKE pipe, not fuel pipe. Is it the same as 5/16th copper brake pipe. It certainly looks the same, I'll strip it down soon and find out. Cheers Paul Thanks for the info Oily. Just thought that I could do a quick repair by flaring 5/16th copper pipe. I'll definitely let the pressure off first now though, cheers. How are your issues proceeding? Not engine out time I hope
  8. Hi All Saraceniers I have found a leak on the pipe in the below photo, on the front offside wheelstation. I'm assuming its the same as the ferret fuel pipe which I have in stock e.g. 5/16ths. Its hard to tell because it is coroded and I don't want to take it off till I know I've got a replacement in stock. Cheers Paul
  9. Hey Bazz Does the fact that I've already found my first hydraulic leak also bring back memories:) Paul
  10. Hi Monty You are making progress, keep up the good work Where were the id plates in your saracen? Cheers Paul
  11. No worries Will post some on friday when it arrives.
  12. She is arriving on friday, hurrah!!! Then the questions begin, like what the hell was bolted on there?
  13. Hi Rick I travelled back to Devon yesterday, the weather got worse the further west I went. If you are on the doorstep its definitely worth a look, its on a nice bit of beach too Cheers Paul
  14. Thanks for the reply, it goes back further than I thought in history. Been to the IOW museum this afternoon, they are the friendliest and most easy going lot I have visited I think, and lots of nice toys too, including some really good restoration work going on.
  15. Hi I'm on holiday on the IOW at the moment (going to the tank museum tomorrow hopefully), and stumbled across the mortar emplacements at Puckpool Park in Ryde. There is alot there and as always, these things raise more questions than they answer. Has anyone got any info on them or photos perhaps? Thanks Paul
  16. Those won't have the magic road registration though, and might not be available to them either
  17. Apparently his workforce went from 50 in 1937 to 20,000 in 1943. Mind you he didn't have to offer everyone a stakeholder pension in those days, or a contract of employment etc etc etc ................ oh no, thats got me started again
  18. I'm not buying a thong with "soft skin clinic" written on it, kind of gives a bad first impression.........
  19. Thanks, you've given me the incentive to get on and do it, finally....... well, after I've finished the interior paint on the ferret. Thanks Paul
  20. Top tips, thanks for your help. Its a pity your website is under contruction, would like to see a few of your previous projects. That high build primer, will it spary or is it a brush or roller job? Cheers Paul
  21. Hi Yeah, I did alot of sanding to get the original paint off, not enough though, what I thought looked a nice flat finish showed up alot when etch primed. I think you are right, it has been in primer for too long. Thanks Paul PS is there a thicker paint that will even things out more or am I dreaming?
  22. Thats similar to what happened to my green goddess, some panels took well but others peeled off after a couple of months back to bare aluminium, and that was the recommended primer. Never got to the top coat stage. Paul
  23. Asking for your date of birth is sus. Perhaps by trying to gain one piece of info per call they hope to build up a whole picture of you for ID theft. Even if it isn't a scam you are, unfortunately, right to be on your gaurd. Cheers Paul
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