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Big ray

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Everything posted by Big ray

  1. I would have thought something Jeep-like and affordable would have to be a Land Rover, easy on spares and pretty reliable,and its a British concept, ( Based of course on the Jeep) it certainly covers any re-acting period from 1948...... just a thought.
  2. That Champ looks very nice, I have not driven one since 1958 (Germany) very fond memories.
  3. I am hoping to do a write-up about the weekend activities, if you have got anything unusual or you have a particular story that you would like to impart, maybe an unusual vehicle or perhaps the distance that you have had to travel. I will be walking around with my note book and pen, or baby sitting my Harley Davidson WLC, its marked up in Military Police markings.... please feel free to give me something interesting to put on paper. I am getting quite excited about the weekend, I have been packed since my return from Normandy.
  4. Big ray

    Big ray

    I wonder if anyone noticed the registration No. on the workshop Jimmy????
  5. Big ray

    Big ray

    A group of us spent the first seven days of June in Normandy (St-Mere-Eglise) Whilst out on one of our daily forays we came upon a French convoy, the lead vehicle was a Stuart tank. The police were in attendance and it seemed that the Stuart may have suffered a serious engine failiure, quite a lot of oil on the road...... we hope that it was not anything too serious......... anyone know the outcome??
  6. Thank you Rosie, and I hope that you also have a very nice day.
  7. Big ray

    Big ray

    Did you hear about the guy that was being conscripted into the services and his girlfriend was very upset at the prospect of him being gone for two years, she promised to wait for him if he would write to her every day. He agreed that he would and indeed he did write every day. When he was finally discharged and returned home he discovered that she had married the postman................ I hope that you are all having a good day.
  8. Hi Sam, welcome in, not much wrong with you then......
  9. Naughty boy............... welcome to the forum, we that have them cant really afford them........... but hey, its only money.
  10. Hi, welcome in, from over the pond............
  11. Welcome in, and you are to be applauded for your efforts to raise money for a worthy charity
  12. If you wish to run with a loaded vehicle or trailer you can still put your vehicle through the M-o-T system and then you qualify............ seems reasonable to me.
  13. Click on "OTHER CHATTER" Big ray.... page 10.... item 95 I have related the full story there.............. Thank`s.
  14. Big ray

    Big ray

    To celebrate the ending of WW2 (can`t remember if it was for VE day or VJ day) we all congregated in the centre of town with burning candles in old jam jars. The jam jars were held with a looped piece of string tied around the neck of the jar and forming a carrying loop high enough to keep your fingers away from the burning candle. The town was absolutely jam packed with people singing in celebration (no pun intended) .............. yet when I have mentioned this event to many of my friends of my age, they have no reccolection of this event, very strange, its all still quite vivid in my mind.
  15. Just another illustration of the wealth of information that can be gleaned from this forum, wonderful stuff.
  16. Welcome in from deepest Shropshire (adjacent county, I`m in Staffordshire (North) ) its a shame that the K9 has been mucked about so much, I drove them in Germany when they were new ( 1956-58) They were a very nice and nippy little truck...... dont think that it will nip much with a normally (Knackered) asperated diesel engine. Good luck with the project............. pic`s please, each one is worth a thousand words.This was nothing to do with me......... one of my buddies.
  17. Big ray

    Big ray

    As a schoolboy during world war 2 the only things that brought home to you that we were at war was the regular siren call outs and the mustering into the air raid shelters, add to that the visits out to the local farms for potatoe picking when we would very often see bombers, singular or in formation flying overhead. Occasionally you would see a fighter plane or a trainer from one of the local airfields, we all, without exception, wanted to be fighter pilots. I dont ever remember getting any kind of remuneration for our efforts working on the farms, I suppose that it was just expected as part of the overall war effort. Oh how I remember the long sunny summer days when my grandfather, who was not retired at that time, so it must have been on a Sunday, would take me out in a pony and trap to a local village, like most places in those days it had its own railway station. The railway line was sunken at this point and we would walk along the embankment looking down on the passing trains, some with passenger cars and others with frieght waggons, usually war related materials, tanks, trucks etc. The trains would rattle along this particular section of line, we would eventually come to a field the the farmer and his labourers would be harvesting. If the field happened to be corn, then the machinery, usually horse drawn would be working from the outside into the centre. The farm workers would be stationed with their dogs at the corners of the field waiting for the rabbits to bolt from the ever decreasing corn for the safety of the adjacent fields and their warrens. Very few ever made it past the dogs. They were lovely days, long gone and never to be repeated, very sad really, but at least I do have my memories.
  18. Welcome in Joseph, some nice photographs there.......... this Dodge belongs to a friend of mine.
  19. Seems very appropriate, its always very easy to be wise after the event. There has to be a modicum of trust, unfortunately that leaves us wide open to abuse. The moral must be ..... dont part with your monies untill you have the goods and you are satisfied, then its a done deal.
  20. We have just returned after 7 days in St-Mere-Eglise......... we must have crossed paths at some point.
  21. Was that because you found the copper washer, or because you found yourself in Halfords ????
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