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Posts posted by ian2b

  1. It really is true - the quiet ones ARE the worse!! :-) :-) :-) :-)



    :angel: How true that is. :angel:


    Thanks Ian - you are gonna pay for that!





    Now worried about sleeping at Salisbury, might have to have my son on guard duty during the night.

  2. To clarify my first post (not!), see the following example for the Ward towing a pre-1960 trailer:



    car license if unladen truck & trailer

    C+E required if laden truck or trailer



    truck: exempt as built pre-1972; grey area when towing laden trailer (I go for still exempt)

    trailer: exempt if unladen as built pre-1972; pay tax if laden


    Plating & Testing:

    truck: exempt if unladen 1) as it’s pre 1960 and 2) as it’s registered as (but not taxed as) a recovery vehicle; exempt if laden or towing a laden trailer as it’s registered as (but not taxed as) a recovery vehicle.

    trailer: exempt if unladen; P&T required if laden


    This is fun isn't it! :-D




    Now I am confused. So is my trailer classed as laden even if it is converted to living accomadation (like a caravan) or only when it carrys equipment etc. I believe my trailer is around 1968 but my lorry is 1958.


    Nothing is straight forward these days

  3. This is Jacks daughter. Dad had an accident yesterday. A very innocent trip to Uppottery airfield on a mission to take photos for Donald Burgett quite literally ended in tears.


    The day started cheerfully with dad packing tea making equipment etc. Plus a picnic beautifully made by mum. On arrival to the airfield, we found the gate locked so dad rang the number on the gate, it turned out to be a friend of his who owns some of the airfield he very kindly gave us the combination to the lock. Everything was going swimmingly. After unlocking the gate, dad went to get back in the car in excitment, when suddenly he yelled in agony. His back had gone!!!!


    Me, mum and my brother and sister were given directions to go and take photographs in the control tower, with dad sat some distance away in the car stranded and actually unable to wave to us when we waved to him at the top of the platform!!


    We all quickly jumped back in the car. Me and mum, had to carry dad from the drivers seat to the passenger seat. He was wailing with the pain. Mum drove us home with dad wincing at every bump clutching tightly to the door handle.


    When we got home, we were trying very hard to think how to transport him to the house, which is a small distance from where we parked the car. My sister came up with the ingenius idea of getting the computer chair on wheels, getting him from the car straight in to the computer chair and all of us pushing him in.


    Now picture this, me and my mum lift dad in to the computer chair, dad had no use of his legs so we had to take all of his weight. He then started to cry as we put him in to the chair shouting out "I'm gunna wet myself!" and also yelling, "If anyone takes a photo im gunna kill them!" We started wheeling him slowley in to the house , we couldnt help it, we all started laughing! But i held his feet out and my mum was pulling the chair. The journey seemed to take forever. If only we could have had taken a picture, it would of been well worth posting! But the moment was lost forever.


    So this is why im here tonight, posting up for dad, mum is busy hand feeding him his dinner in the lounge with whisky and hot watr bottles to follow, tucked up watching Eastenders.


    We will keep you posted with the progress! :-P :lol: :-D






    Sorry to reactivate this painful moment Jack but I found this funny when I was reading it and thought it might give someone else a laught to.

    Excellent work Bridie.


    Sorry I have a sick sense of humor

  4. Okay - so who can tell me what category you need to tow a four wheeled trailer - I'm talking Brockhouse / Lynton / whatever type office trailer here and I'm thinking that these qualify as a drawbar trailer (?) and fall into a different category.



    Hi Dave,

    C1 - which covers "Vehicles between 3500kg and 7500kg with a trailer upto 750kg"

    so only covers a small trailer.

    C1+E - which covers "Vehicles between 3500kg and 7500kg with a trailer over 750kg combined weight not more than 12000kg.

    Now my C1+E has a code restriction on it "107" which then states "Not more than 8250kg" which will be the combined weight.


    So as long as my total weight vehicle and trailer do not exceed total weight 8250kg I am ok. My trailer weights 3400kg so I take it as long as my vehicle does not exceed 4850kg I am still within my licence entitlement.


    Please if anyone has anyother views please let me know.

  5. OK chaps and chapesses the poll is now over and the votes counted, results are


    Polo Shirt


    Baseball Cap


    We are not going for names to keep the cost down, be back later.



    Any update to the HMVF clothing Jack or Mark

  6. well ive got a set of cuffs that can be loaned if anyone sleepwalks :evil:

    not promosing the keys thougth :whistle:

    otherwise a 6mm ball bearing works well from sa80 replica

    looking forward to the weekend


    out of interst is it uniformed or civies on the trip



    Something green or camo sounds good.

    There again I thought Jack would have had the HMVF Tee Shirt ready by then :whistle:

  7. CB radios, SWR meters, mag mounts that brings back memories from when I was young sticking up aerials at my parents house - some of them very big and ugly, god knows how i got away with it.

    Regards the licence - Is it only people who have held a licence for over a certain period of time that dont now need one or has the licence been scrapped.

  8. Luckily I am a master of camoflague...


    Hey presto and it's gone...




    Eat your heart out David Copperfield



    Its very suprising what a camo sheet can hide and it makes it look so much smaller on the drive.

  9. Thanks for taking the picture Clive, dam thats in a sorry state. Looks like the off side front is held together by a strip of metal and I thought some of my repairs where suspect. Never nice to see a Bedford in such a sorry condition.

  10. Ian, you bringing you motorbike?.



    Hi Richard, Dont think i will be bringing it on this trip but if you fancy a go it will be at war & peace this year so do come and find me.


    Jack - GMC - Dorset.

    david ives - 109rmp - eastbourne

    Dave - L/rover110 + 432 or 434 -

    Ashley - Jeep -

    Ian - Landrover - Essex

    Neil - Landrover - Essex - subject to getting it back on the road legally in time!!!

    Chrisg- Austin Champ - Brighton

  11. i am gutted, no so much shocked, but upset as i feel i shall be loosing my best friend.


    But life goes on...


    might go travelling for a month to clear my head



    So no chance of sorting things out Paul, if you are that gutted its worth seeing whats gone wrong and seeing if you two can resolve it. Take care mate.

  12. Well nice to meet Commander today, and pic up some more toys....



    Get home to the Girlfriend at 8pm, only to be met with " I think we should split up"


    great! near 4 years down the pan, any one got a spare room?


    :? :cry:



    Thats bad news Paul, try Richard maybe you to can share.


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