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Posts posted by ian2b

  1. It is, relatively speaking... It's in Nijmegen, on the German border. If you get a 24hr pass on Eurotunnel, and get on the 1st train after midnight, you can be at their gate for 08.00, have time to look round and bankrupt yourself, leave by midday, go to Chris Muys south of Brussels & Lys Tout Terrain, hypermarket & jerry cans of fuel in Calais and back on the Chunnel and be home by 20:00 for tea and tiffin. And that's in a 2.5 n/a diesel landy :shake:


    Essex boys could price up Harwich - Hook of Holland 'cos you'd save loads of driving time.


    You won't regret the visit but you will come back with a longer 'wants' list :tup:


    Can't risk taking John or Lee on a trip like that as we would proberly come back with something big and armoured :whistle:

    Might have to plan a visit one year.

  2. Is that the same boat yard, opposite the station, that now has (had??) the big American tracked pontoon unit in???



    Its not tracked Neil and was still there last August and I cant remember what its called.


    width=640 height=480http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_3618.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_3619.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_3620.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_3622.jpg[/img]

  3. still count me in

    series 3 109 softtop rmp style :police:

    anyone from sussex who needs a lift pm me



    Jack - GMC

    Rambo - 3 MV's

    Ashley - Jeep + car & caravan

    Chris - ferret

    Ian2b - Bedford or Landie 101

    Steve - Bedford MJ

    FV601 - Landie 101 Ambulance

    chrisg- Austin Champ

    David Ives - Landie series 3 RMP :police:

  4. It was Stuart who said the steering was stiff whilst doing the welding sir!!

    With the road wheel off on one side it's not possible to turn the steering by grabbing the hub and twisting - thats how bad it is!



    What about when both wheels are of the ground can you turn it then, with both wheels on the vehicle.


    And just to rub it in my landie 101 passed its MOT today :banana: :banana:

  5. Thanks for sharing those pics :-),


    Those poor MUTTs! & what on earth has happened to that twisted one? :-(


    There's some rare stuff in there - the Diamond T 969, the Kenworth XM818 (?).


    Each time I go to Reomie's it makes me want a mulitfuel 5-tonner. One day...


    Where is the yard, you make it sound like its a quick trip down the road Mike.

  6. You reckon it would pass the MOT like that then Ian?????



    Having not driven it its hard to comment really but all they do is jack the front up and turn the steering by the wheels when checking for knocking and bearings etc so if you can turn it when its jacked up it shouldn't be a problem. Ask Stuart what he thinks as I am sure he would know due to the training he has had lately.

  7. Yeah - right know I'm praying like hell warmed oil will do the trick.

    If it doesn't - then guess who's not gonna be on the Salibury Plain trip :cry:



    Landrover - Heavy Steering - I thought that was standard. Dont worry Neil we are taking a couple of A Frames so if anything goes wrong we will just tow it back.


    Sorry Neil but NOT GOING is not an option.


  8. It is indeed the wrong way around - well spotted sir!! And, I suspect, the wrong one for the vehicle too for the reasons Richard points out.


    Right now I'm stuck as not only do I have a flat battery(s) but I also have an empty fuel tank :oops:

    Ran out whilst we were repositioning onto the drive this morning so poor old Stuart had to push and pull with his to get her onto the drive ready for jacking up and welding



    So whats left to do before taking it for the MOT, can't be much left now.

  9. Sat Nav in an MV whats wrong with a good old fashion map.

    Tony would it be possible nearer the time to have yours or another member of the plain team's mobile number for the people going just incase someone does get lost :whistle: if it is possible might be better for those going to PM you for the number so its not given worldwide, dont want you getting any dirty phone calls.

  10. Hi Ian.


    Mark is away for a week so will let us know when he is back - he is struggling as Bodge through a spanner in the works by asking for a pink Polo Shirt :oops:



    So Mark whats the latest news on the HMVF T shirts.

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