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Posts posted by ian2b

  1. Cheers John,


    Now wondering if I can get a showmans licence and tow 2 trailers, can fit one out with a huge double bed and toilet/shower and have the other one as kitchen + sitting room.

    Then again just think of the poor bedford engine towing 7+ tons.

  2. Hi All,

    I may have missed out somewhere, did read somat in one of the threads about badges for us HMVF lot and getting us all in the arena one evening for a group Pic!! 8-)

    Any news on badges for sale??

    If not, I will make some enqireies!! ;-)

    Or... Are we all just using the usual home PC Printout Laminated!! :-D

    If any badges already exist, would like to get one?

    All the Best


    Fred & Annika :evil:



    Hi, I think Jack's on the case and looking at T shirts and I think he was going to look into vehicle stickers/Data plates - Watch this space. Any news Jack. :-D

  3. Just noticed that a Mk II stolly is for sale on ebay, it looks as rough as Grumpy's, (sorry I mean a bears ar**) The add says he has 15 more and is based in wiltshire. I think the starting bid is rather optimistic at £1200.00 for the example shown.



    Link to above stolly ---- what a state


  4. RG are a little expensive but I only paid just over scrap price for the radar trailers, £100 per ton and they contain a fair amount of precious metals. £12k is a bit much for an old Antar but I would rather buy one than a restored jeep for the same price ! Anyway where else would you get one, there aren't many Antars around ?


    Talking of Antar's I saw these last year. Very nice vehicles.








  5. hello stryker,

    i don't believe in making people tidy their bedroom so i wont say that to you & your dad is mean for asking.

    my oldest daughter ( 18 now) is better than she used to be but at 1 time her room was 3 foot high with 'stuff' & she just used to sleep on top. her door broke off the hinges when we tried to oen it once but that was how she chose to 'live for a while'. her sister mean while is 16 & since the age of about 5 has had her own hoover,polish etc in her room & keeps it spotless.any way

    welcome on board & have fun




    I want to swap my 15 yr old daughter for your 16 yr old Bernie as it would be nice to see the carpet in my daughters room again, so much mess.

  6. When I ran a WC-52, I weighed it and it was 2244 kg unladen, therefore 2994 gross. A 51 without a winch must be 150 kg lighter at least so it does need an MOT. You'll get away with it ok untill something goes wrong! The other thing to note is, the exemption applies to 'goods vehicle, pre 1960, over 3500kg gross, used unladen'. If you carry a load, you forfeit that exemption.



    It would seem that someone has registered this vehicle with a higher gross weight so as to take advantage of the MOT exception.

    What happens when you take this vehicle to a normal MOT station and they see the weight on the new computer system will they send you onto a goods testing station as its over the normal mot testing weight ?.

    If you wanted a normal MOT then wouldn't you have to contact DVLA and get the weight changed on the log book to its correct weight ?


    Answers on a separate post please.

  7. Would like a good events calander to plan for this year, does one exist here or where should I look


    Thanks Steve



    Whereabouts in the UK are you ?


    Can always try these sites-








    Hope this helps

  8. Hello, sorry to sound like a complete idiot, but my vehicle weighs 3750 KG according to the log book, is that not more than 3.5 tons?

    Does this mean I should have an MOT?. :|

    Am I making a false declaration by signing the V112G form? :police:


    This was so much easier with the jeep :-)



    I maybe wrong but if your vehicle is over 3.5 tons i dont think you can have it MOTed at a normal MOT station so if your log book states 3750kg then they wont be able to do it at your normal car testing station.

    I am not sure what the weight of the WC51 is so some please do tell me,

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