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Posts posted by ian2b

  1. Hi Folks,

    Have done this for this years show, so.... If ya see this, come over n have a drink!! 8-)



    Hi Fred, What I am going to do if we haven't got anything by the show season is print this off and display it in my MV's.



  2. If you do get any flags or banners done Jack/Mark then do let us know as our group would be happy to fly the flag and display the banner at the shows we attend.

    Or get Mark to get one done and he can fly it at our Bunker Show when he comes :tup:

  3. What we need more then clothing are flags! If we have a design I know a guy who has a company that makes flags, perhaps he could make us a nice offer....



    Flags - Another good idea.

    What next an HMVF show :banana:

  4. What a good idea, group photo in the arena, and maybe rex will let us drive around it.



    Good idea HMVF convey around the arena at War and Paeace and if we ask nicely maybe John Blackman can get some pics and do a right up in the CMV mag - Maybe as Mark is a Moderator and imps member he can have a nice word with Rex and get the ok for the arena. How does this sound Jack ??

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