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Posts posted by ian2b

  1. Junior section?, good idea, fetch the water, make the tea, wash the motor's, that sort of thing. ;-)



    Sorry Richard, Can't trust our junior section making the tea worried they might add something to it but wash the vehicles sounds good, maybe they can set up an MV wash at beltring - just a small charge.

  2. Just back from hospital where I've been since 9 this morning


    Mandy (Mrs Bodge) had Florence our second daughter at 4.30 this afternoon


    Both doing fine... tired but happy


    Anyone know where i can get OD coveralls for a 7lb baby :-D


    chuffed t'buggery


    muuuuuust sleep



    Congratulation Mr and Mrs Bodge on the birth of Florence.Don't forget to ask Jack about very small size HMVF T shirts.

  3. There's a guy up our way with a WC52 for sale it is the late one needs tidying but engine runs as sweet as a nut he was asking £3,500.




    Nice price for the WC52 but not just at the moment.

  4. Headline News



    * Speed camera on A2 shows 1969 Alvis Stalwart doing 80 mph in 30 mph zone!!!


    * Independent witnesses testify that Stalwarts never did more than 40 - and this one usuallt about 25!!!


    * All speed camera's banned a they are obviously defective!!!


    Well - it's nice to dream, isn't it!!! :-D :-D :-D


    On a serious note - are you taking the RL this weekend Ian??



    No cant make it but do enjoy yourselfs.

  5. Wages are good Bodge - just ask any of the Mods :whistle:



    You can have a badge.........once we have made our minds up :whistle: :whistle:



    You could ask the Mods but most of them are out begging as the wages are so low. :-D

  6. Hi Ian 2b,

    WOW!! :schocked:That really is a cracker !, If OK, Do you mind it being copied? :-D

    Its Pretty damn good mate. 8-)


    All the Best


    Fred & Annika



    Hi Fred, I never designed it so cant take the credit - i believe it was Bodge who might have done the hard work on the data plate and I cant see any problems in copying it. Lets hope we see loads of MV's with this Data Plate in the windscreen this year.

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