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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Haven't had the flu for a good few years now but mum n dad are recovering from it this last couple of weeks. Dad went for the flu jab about 3-4 weeks ago...which promptly gave him flu!

    When he went back to the docs a few days later complaining that he felt like death warmed up the doctor apparently said in a very blase manner... "oh yes it does that quite a lot... it (the jab) can GIVE you flu!"


    I've been laid up with a crappy cold the last 3 days which is a bummer when I'm supposed to be on paternity leave... lemsip on my cornflakes :cry:

  2. Had a load of KP1 reenactors, all tooled up when i provided transport for a battle. Following sherman through the undergrowth & hedgerows was fantastic my mate has his deact .30 replaced with a blank firer a gunner and about 500 rounds :-D

    But the best was 4 8th airforce veterans & a filmcrew interviewing them at the last official BAD2 reunion as we made our way along blackpool prom in glorious summer sunshine, as they reminiced about their wartime memories...magic

  3. Just back from hospital where I've been since 9 this morning


    Mandy (Mrs Bodge) had Florence our second daughter at 4.30 this afternoon


    Both doing fine... tired but happy


    Anyone know where i can get OD coveralls for a 7lb baby :-D


    chuffed t'buggery


    muuuuuust sleep

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