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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Yes Steve I got the noseart from the 100BG site


    I chose this one as Lily is my daughters name & the plane was lost over Bremen on 8th Oct (my birthday)... seemed appropriate at the time :dunno:

    I used Acrylics which seem to be holding out okay with very little or no cracking.

    I stripped the leather with thinners to get the varnish off, hand painted it then sealed with a matt acrylic varnish. Its not a proper pattern jacket (as you can no doubt tell)... but if I'da paid serious wedge for it I wouldn't have dared to... as it was it cost a tenner from a car boot sale & the paints I already had:roll:

    I stencilled each bomb roughly to look as though they were added one at a time.

    But I copped out on the girl as i can't do figures so just made her a sillhouette against a moon... :whistle:

    The leather dye sounds good I might try that.

    Next one dosen't have any figures on so shouldn't be too scary :-D



  2. I recon the best bet is to have a test run done of say polo shirts (as everyone will probably want/wear one), see how that looks... and then if thats a goer & people cough up for 'em branch out into caps, beanies, pennants & HMVF leather underpants :schocked:

    Otherwise we'll go round and round in circles suggesting more and more ideas & get nowt done... One step at a time.



    What about HMVF tax disc holders...



    see what i mean :-D


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