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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Well, not as of yesterday when I asked him

    ...but you know what he's like... fickle to the core :dunno:


    I think the donkey he uses to pull it has a bad leg now, as its so heavy with that .50 mount :-D

  2. Certainly the reverence that the men who served with him display, indicate he was a man of exceptional bravery. But like Snapper said, a quiet man. I can't help but feel sorry for all those guys who probably spent the remainder of their post war lives trying to get over & forget what they went through & what they saw, only to have it trawled up by a film/book/TV series and gone over in minute detail... not all these guys seem at ease with their fame. They all seem grateful that their efforts have been remembered but it does seem to come at quite a high emotional price for them.

  3. Thursday to Monday for me too... looking forward to this one

    Can't bring the truck though dammit :cry:

    I'm scrounging a lift with my mate whos taking his GMC so I'll be okay for a ride woohoo


    HMVF knees up at the Hangar Dance?

  4. By day, mild mannered reporter for HMVF magazine...

    but when the call comes Jack Beckett becomes




    Is it a bird, is it a plane...


    I dunno its too badly corroded to tell but...



    Rustbeckett'll save it... or find someone else who will :whistle:

  5. Notice if you will, ladies and gentlemen of the court,

    that he only regretts expressing HIS love for the Dodge publicly...

    not act of expression, but merely his having been PUBLICLY caught out expressing said lurve...


    I put it to you that he is a Dodge lover and should come out as such and stop living under the pretence of 'loving a bit of Jimmy on the weekend'

    & driving a GMC :whistle:


    No further questions your Honour

  6. Someone thump Jack for me please


    thank you


    Spare tyre covers are one of those 'very rarely seen in use' things.

    A bit like the canvas covers you see covering every bit of a jeep.

    Covers for the shovel on the pioneer rack :dunno:


    That 'n' they look silly


    Someone thump Jack AGAIN for me please

    :n00b: :n00b::n00b::n00b::n00b::n00b::n00b::n00b::n00b::n00b:



    thank you


    Jimmy owners PFFFTT!!!

  7. I wish I hadn't sold that massive Kreigsmarine flag i bought at a car boot as a kid for 50p then swapped for something so utterly crap at school i can't even remember what it was >:(


    I regret telling the guy i bought my dodge off that i didn't want the old snow chains in the back of it... (original mud chains you moron :computerterror:)


    I regret not going to the 'Withnail & I' premiere,

    when invited as a young 'un. Bugger >:(


    I regret not starting to save up for this years shows sooner :shake:

  8. I think if you can suspend your expectations of what each character should look/sound like it'll probably work okay. Although I find when reading the scripts of the missing episodes (yes I'm that sad), your imagination fills the gaps & voices.


    I'll still be going though :-D

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