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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. I remember as a boy seeing a photo of a London Transport Routmaster bus on four china teacups, it's all to do with the distribution of weight.

    I am quite willing to empty four beer bottles for anyone who wishes to try the jeep on a bottle trick at W & P. You know me, all heart. :whistle:




    Greater love, hath no man... :-D

  2. Now that's the kind of breakers yard i could do with near me...


    on second thoughts I'd probably want everything in there


    so it's probably best if there's nothing even remotely like that, near me :-D


    Nice pics BTW, cheers for sharing ;-)

  3. Because I'm in the design dept that i HAVE to work with 'em

    dosen't mean i have to LIKE them :banghead: :argh: :pfrt:


    It's alright for some

    chop down trees, press wild flowers & go to the lavatreeeee

    :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

  4. Something strange seems to have happened to all the letter 'l's ('l' for Lima) on the pdf. or is it just my computer playing tricks?


    It's okay Mike

    It's just the way that Acrobat renders text on screen

    if you print it out it'll be fine


    & if you zoom in, in acrobat that effect will dissapear...



    Bane of my life is acrobat... well anything to do with computers really :argh:

  5. Hi, yes we've got the poster in a hi res A4 PDF format too,

    which you should be able to print if you've got Adobe Acrobat Reader.

    Let me know if you want it & I'll wizz it off to you


    (take some of the pressure off Jack) :-D

  6. The sad thing is, is that whilst the war was on, they (UK studios), made some corking war films... admittedly most were 'safe' themselves or with a great dollop of propaganda... but they were prolific and actually, occasionally churned out some good stuff. Check out 'Went the Day Well', an excellent film (& clearly where The Eagle Has Landed came from) & given the time it was released, quite chilling.

    The war gave the film industry a real sense of purpose & to a point responsability = entertain, uplift, inform/misinform etc which now it seems to lack. The pressure to perform (financially) seems to nail most projects now before they get off the ground unless they have 'mass' appeal, which sadly stories about wars of the past, have lost, to the appeal of celebrity or CGI. :roll:

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