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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Basically vehicle weight for bridge commanders to know how many vehicles to let onto pontoon bridges/ Bailey Bridges at any time so the jimmy drivers don't sink it *ahem*. Sometimes just the max vehicle weight... sometimes max vehicle weight plus max trailered load (looks like a fraction)...

  2. Don't worry Snapper you could be working for a p*ss-poor tinpot local paper...

    Cat up a tree stories and other mundane drivel. A major news story occurs on our doorstep (railcrash) & we're a week behind everyone else as it happened just after we went to print & we're weekly...


    Waddaya gonna do...


    I'll tell you what... smile take your wages and waste company money by reading this instead of working ha-ha :-D

  3. Spent the day nitromorsing the hood on the dodge... now stripped primered & repainted... Layout , print & cut up stencils tommorrow & set to finishing off...

    Oh & just got home & went to the cashpoint to get some money for tommorrow (avid car-booter!) only to find a nice crispy tenner on the floor... yay! :-D

  4. I got one o' them plastic MP40s

    The'yre great for £7 ... bit of filler & some paint & you can end up with something that

    passes the 2 yard test regularly :-D

    Seen a couple of the chinese Stalhelms...

    They looked okay to me, but I'm no expert on Axis kit

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