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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. So thats why there's no bog paper in the staff toilet

    & all the crisps ave gone out of the vending machine?


    Well done J&J :bow:


    is it now that you impose the congestion charge


    A pound a go and you'll soon have that .50

  2. Picked it up in our local MVC type shop but couldn't decide if it'd be any good or not


    I was a bit put off by the 'Brand of Brothers' artwork (similar style etc)

    It looked like a cash in attemp... it was only £3 so I'll give it a bash

    If its crap it'll make a good coffee coaster. :whistle:

  3. you've not missed much...

    jack broke the internet

    Joris fixed it.

    We've got a chopper pilot in our midst now

    so jacks gonna buy him a chinook and he'll ferry us all to events in no time :-D

    Good luck with the new pad



  4. Wow that short landing is very impressive

    Looks like a very difficult fine balancing act

    I'da thought the tail would have dropped harder than that


    bit like patting your head,

    rubbing your tummy,

    reciting the alphabet backards,

    blindfold on a unicycle

  5. All the terror and chaos of a mission

    fighting off fighters plunging through flak

    all the way there and back

    only to have to finish it off with a potentially

    disasterous belly landing...


    Then get up and do it all again :schocked:

    Bloody brave those guys :bow: :bow: :bow:

  6. Hi Ian.


    Mark is away for a week so will let us k ow when he is back - he is struggling as Bodge through a spanner in the works by asking for a pink Polo Shirt :oops:



    Okay it wasn't the best suggestion




    ...but yours was even worse!

  7. Oh I see Mr Beckett like that is it... pick on your staff







    Now... what compromising situations can i photoshop you into?

    (that you haven't been in already) :whistle:


    Hey if you had photoshop, you could do it too *ahem* :computerterror:

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