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Jessie The Jeep

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Everything posted by Jessie The Jeep

  1. I have similar problems with my back which has caused the loss of a job way back in 1989, but also developed asthma and a severe dust allergy in 2004, forcing me out of another job ( not good when most of my skills and experience is around woodworking! ). I did think of selling organs on the black market as an occupation but there wasn't any long term prospects in it, and to be honest, I'm not really sure they're gonna last for me. Now I have a nice simple office job, 'though it isn't permanent, but should keep me going until the end of the summer( or until I become allergic to photocopier fumes/toner! ) Steve
  2. When I bought my jeep back in April '05, it had a speedo that had about 8000 miles on it but didn't work. All the paperwork, ie MOT and insurance etc had 8000 miles recorded. Since purchase, I fitted a new clock which has now clocked up 2500 miles. When I come to MOT and insure the vehicle again, will this difference cause any problems?? Steve
  3. Just a reminder that the NE MVT will be in Hartlepool Town Centre this Saturday, 4th Feb. Maybe see you there?? Steve
  4. I think the Museum is the Midland Air Museum, which is a separate organisation from Air Atlantique. Steve
  5. 2006 was my first visit to Stoneleigh. Apart from almost missing the small doors into the other main hall, had a great time. Several of the North East crowd drove down the day before and we had a 1940/50's dance in the Angel Hotel at Lemmington Spa, plus the odd drink or two! or three, or as Steve & Susie found out, room service will bring Jack Daniels to your room for breakfast!! As far as I was concerned, the fair was great, I bought virtually everything I set out for and still only spent just over £150. Mainly accessories for the jeep, and a winter service. No doubt there were those who wiped out their bank accounts over the weekend, and despite looking really hard, I didn't see Bernie with her pink trainers ( maybe next time! ) So what did you buy? and did you tell the Mrs what it all cost??? :lol: Steve
  6. Bearing in mind that the NE MVT Season was starting on 4th February at an event in Hartlepool, this wasn't going to be a major strip down. I just wanted to deal with the parts that could easily and quickly be removed and replaced. Further work will hopefully begin when the warmer weather arrives and I can work outside giving me more space. Working my way across the engine bay, the radiator and rear face of the fan were cleaned up and painted. The oil filter will probably be removed and painted after I get a new oil filter at Stonleigh. Across to the left side now, and the air filter was removed, and even more wax-cloth removed! It was cleaned up and repainted. The wing and filter mounting brackets were also cleaned up and painted. The light bowls were also stripped down, rust cleaned out of all the small lips and fixings, and they were painted too. This is about as far as I've got. The air filter is ready to go back on the vehicle ready to go out and brave the cold on the Hartlepool coast. Further progress when Spring has sprung! Steve
  7. While the petrol rag treatment was a start, there was still a long way to go, which ended up waiting until the season finished in December. With all the usual interruptions, further work didn't start until early January '06. Batteries came out and so did the rotary wire brush and power drill!! There were a few signs of rust on the battery trays, but little anywhere else. While the batteries were out, the wing and trays were repainted, and look much better for it. The red batteries were also painted black as the red plastic casings stood out far too much against the green interior. All the work is being carried out inside my cramped double garage since it is very cold and damp outside. A floor above my trailer restricts the space somewhat and the jeep only just fits in the garage with the hood open! cont.......... Steve
  8. Just thought I'd share a few pictures of my Jeep engine bay, and its clean up. When I first purchased the jeep, in April 2005, it had been in long term storage. EVERYTHING was coated in a sticky wax-coated cloth to keep the moisture out. These first two pictures show the engine bay as it was when I bought it.... everything coated in overspray, not the actual components, but the cloth that coated them. This was really horrible to remove, peeling by hand and rubbing with a petrol rag to remove the sticky gunge. The pictures below show some of the cloth on the battery lead, and then the engine bay after it had all been washed & scrubbed with petrol. More shortly........... Steve
  9. It got worse for me!! :shock: I lost my job through ill health, and now I have my wife as my Boss!!!!! ( But only in the office!! :lol: ) Steve
  10. Since there are so many vehicles of different countries and types among the members, this is an excellent resource for modellers to tap into. How about a section ( possibly via the HMVF shop ) to modellers to buy detailed Walkaround Photo CDROM's of individual vehicles. Pictures of course supplied by the owners. I've done the same thing on an R/C aircraft forum. Each CD contains an average of 50 close up and general photos as reference material for modellers, in addition to those with a general interest in the aircraft. Here's the Aircraft walkaround site, to give you an idea... http://rcsb1.mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/walk/walk.htm Just a thought. Steve
  11. Hi Rob I've done loads of modelling myself, plastic kits, radio controlled planes, and also professionally. A plastic model was key to me buying my jeep. Garage space was very tight due to a large trailer also living in there. I bought a 1/35 scale jeep, built it, and scaled up several dimensions to see if it would fit. The measurements seemed to suggest it would, so I bought the jeep. When I got the jeep back to my garage, there was 1 1/2 inches clearance each side!!! A bit tight, but it fitted!!!! I was lucky it was an accurate kit!! Steve
  12. How about these as possible associations with vehicles...... Bang Bang - B.A. Robertson Oliver's Army - Elvis Costello But for my jeep right now...... In The Garage - Weezer .......because I'm painting out the engine bay. Steve
  13. Yes, that's my B-17, all 17 feet span & 130 pounds of it. Here's a few more details and pictures...... http://www.usaafhq.freeserve.co.uk/B17/b17.htm Steve
  14. With a short drive east, there is also a big event at Debach airfield in Suffork on June 11th. Details can be found on their website http://www.493bgdebach.co.uk/ I've been for the last three years, taking my planes, and last year taking the jeep also. Here's a few pics from the event..... Steve
  15. Whoever was building it, they certainly were not building B-17 bases in Hastings!!! Steve
  16. Photos?????? I never gave roadsure photos!!!!!!! Steve
  17. Hartlepool Art Gallery is holding several events between Jan 10th and Feb 26th in conjunction with the IWM touring exhibition. The NE MVT will be there on Feb 4th with a display of vehicles. I have included a link to a PDF file of the flyer for the events for those interested. http://www.usaafhq.freeserve.co.uk/Hartlepool.pdf Steve
  18. Can't help with the spraying, but my jeep was painted from a 5ltr tin with about 25% left afterwards for touch ups. Steve
  19. Obsessive, Determined, Stubborn Steve PS There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary, and those that don't
  20. Yes, details below. Further pictures are on the NE MVT site in the For Sale section ( http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/nemvt/nemvt.htm ) Ward La France M1 A1 Heavy Wrecker This 1944 Wrecker has had a great deal of restoration work carried out including the rear body rebuilt. The powered crane is fully operational, and the Garwood front and rear winches all work. New search lights and light up siren also fitted. All Jacks/Stays are complete. The Wrecker is powered by a Leyland Diesel and also features Power Steering. The equipment trailer is also included in the sale. Steve
  21. I know of a Ward le France Wrecker for sale if you're interested!!!! Steve
  22. There you go, we've got him to promise TWO BLOGS. It's there in print! Steve
  23. Of course Jack will do a Blog. Take it as RED!!!!!!! :lol: Oops, sorry, couldn't help myself. Steve
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