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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. fesm_ndt


    Been finding a lot of US manuals from WW2 to present. Some really weird stuff and a heap of specific stuff. Some of these may be of use: [ATTACH]38722[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38721[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38720[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38719[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38718[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38717[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38716[/ATTACH]
  2. yep geography, that has been a help and a hinderance in many a battle ....... the list is huge Should we mention the poor weather?
  3. If you get to KL I'll see if we can find a cold beer Still looking at damn bear videos............ :nut: Dawn of the Ted
  4. Hell that should have been attached with a warning as I watched 3 off them now..... (at work) Ahh you need to travel more we still got junkyards over here
  5. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few Still has to be one of the all time most poignant speeches by a politician I actually get a bit annoyed at people rethinking and rewriting history as for every event and especially war victory and losses have numerous factors so to pick one is nonsense. Some factors: - The British spirit mentioned above would not have existed unless Churchill was in power as the former government wanted a peace treaty with Germany - Churchill appointed an industrialist to shake up the aircraft industry - Germany's decision to switch from bombing airfields to bombing cities - Germany's decision to send Stuka's against English fighter aircraft - The German leadership on the air battle side seemed to be more based on 'lets look good to the boss' than any half decent proper strategy - etc, etc, etc but I would like to say spirit is a factor but I would also say luck is one of the biggest factors in most battles.
  6. It kinda makes sense ie the diesel version has orginated from the petrol version so for lack of a better word the fuel injection pump is an 'after thought' and put on the back. Mind you the original Land Rover diesel is a derivitave of the petrol and the injection pump is at the front off the one timing belt. But this increases the width of the engine more than the VW one, so everything has it's good and bad points
  7. May be requiring a Japanese thread in a few weeks as I just bought an army photograph collection from World War II. Some different armour for Steveo and Eddy
  8. No idea really, possibly so engineers can overcomplicate things. The only logical thing I can think of is to reduce the with of the engine as the front one drives the water pump and cam. The rear one is attached to the cam and drives the fuel pump. I do find it daft that the water pump is driven by the timing belt though as it now becomes a huge task to change or get a peek at the water pump. I would guess to swap both belts, the water pump and injection pump I am looking at close to 1/2 inch of reading in the manual in 3 different sections :shocked: so it is on the complicated end
  9. Well half day today, just wasn't in the mood as feeling a bit knackered. Changed the fuel filter, was quite suprised how clean the diesel was that came out. I collected it in the bottle to see if dirty plus if ok put it back in the new filter as makes repriming easier. [ATTACH]38640[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38637[/ATTACH] Exposed the front timing belt, but figured I need some nice foam pillows to line up the timing marks as I need to lie accross the cab. [ATTACH]38639[/ATTACH] Heard a rustling under the adjacent pinz, as am ever paranoid about more snakes but it was just a big monitor lizard (most likely snacking on our goldfish pond) [ATTACH]38638[/ATTACH]
  10. Had another lok today and the panel is or was made in the UK These are the plugs on the side. Can anyone think of a power cable the same on UK kit? [ATTACH]38642[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38641[/ATTACH]
  11. I just downloaded the whole book, US one has heaps of info [ATTACH]38618[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38616[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38617[/ATTACH]
  12. Well Gimpy is back on 4 wheels again. Tried out the G wagen rims but look to bling bling for what I want. I had sent the original rims to be painted black and they came back like this so I been in a bit of a quandry about it. The tyres are fantastic though, brand new [ATTACH]38614[/ATTACH] So put the rusty green buggers back on [ATTACH]38615[/ATTACH] However just to mess with my head further a set of mine resistant rims are again coming my way, which is good, fantastic in fact. Bad point is my new tyres above cannot be used so will have to buy another set which will count for 3 new sets of tyres in a year :nut: Major tasks left, or the ones I am most dreading are: - fit rebuilt P93 injection pump and rear timing belt - fit new water pump and front timing belt - fit rebuilt rear diff then all down hill, aircon, canvas, roofrack, mod the electrics, mudflaps, seats, difflocks, etc, etc, etc
  13. The Land Rover was my fathers brand spanking new one, I guess mid 60's. Located around Wedge Island in West Australia. In the tropics the tide changes very fast and he was at a point with no hope of getting above the tide. I think the recovery was the next day as the insurance company wanted what was left, I guess as it was new. The reason I bought a Landie is my old man had a string of them and were all cursed so it was a standing joke in the family. When I imported the Lightweight into Aussie and drove it from Brisbane to Kalgoorlie he had the prayer beads out but couldn't stop laughing at the same time.
  14. Would this be deemed a recovery operation, with correct cable and shackle loadings? My guess may need a Scammel on standby
  15. yeah i like that one..... so easy.... then oops have a nice one of a crane cable touching powerlines
  16. ok I am daft what is a snls? I seen I think one of these guns
  17. Being the helpful type of guy what about a 1943 Sherman M4-A1 Duplex Drive http://www.armyjeeps.net/armor1.htm at the bottom of the page
  18. looks like a nice place to visit... I'll have to do a you tube at my next junkyard run
  19. Not sure if you seen this video http://pinzgauer-td.webs.com/apps/videos/videos/show/11698442-recovery-plan and a Land Rover Recovery [ATTACH]38529[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38533[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38530[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38531[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38532[/ATTACH]
  20. I looked into doing this as no way was I going to drive a petrol anything around Australia. Seen many 200 TDI's put in 101's and also a rather large GM diesel This is one I bookmarked at the time http://www.arewethereyet.eu/Beast/index.html From memory the 200 TDI was the easiest one that I read about
  21. I could use a hand, but I doubt the dog can come on an AirAsia flight:D
  22. Well a year has flashed by in an instant. I can recall last Christmas taking the missus to the Army museum in Port Dickson, for a romantic day out. As my rebuild is seriously behind schedule I think I can get away with spending the day with her, I mean the Pinzgauer So will have to take some Christmas decorations down to the yard. So anyone else able to skulk off or have slighting mental plans like myself?
  23. http://www.nkrecovery.co.uk/vehicles.html
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