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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. Will, I have one of the most original Morris quads in the country in storage here at the moment and the body is 100% original and intact. You are more than welcome to come view it and take dimension's and drawing, however I am 300 miles North ! Rob........................rnixartillery.
  2. Robin, All of these vehicles pictured are used as recovery aids for the REME, basically they are pushed down into a valley and then winched out with Fodens.I don't want to say where they are as it is on a closed training area but they have been there many years. There is another location that has a few experimental turrets fitted to chieftains. Rob...................rnixartillery
  3. Stumbled across this the other day ,cant have been there long. Quite surprised they have a Sherman as a gate guard generally use the not so interesting or valuable vehicles ! Rob......................rnixartillery.
  4. Very Sweet, Well done. Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  5. No ,This piece was bought from Normandy France to England in 1947 and has been in store ever since and was more or less forgotten about for 40 years.The Lightweight carriage conversion was done in 1942. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  6. ps, it is World War two 1941/42 I think on the Pak 40 lightweight carriage although you wouldn't bloody think so ! Rob....................rnixartillery.
  7. Yes it is Live and on ticket and will only be sold to someone who has the authority to posses it. Standard bore 105mm or correctly 10.5cm although firearms licensing have it filed as 105mm as 10.5cm did not compute ! I am asking 13k so as WWII German Artillery goes 'its not out the way' It is unrestored needs a lot of work but it is fresh to the collectors market and completely original and untouched. It needs a muzzle brake and the barrel compensator as these are missing but I'm sure they are out there waiting to be found. Rob.......................rnixartillery
  8. I spent a few hours on the fh18 today and managed to open up the breech and clean the crap out of the barrel that had built up over the many decades ,I found a few small arms parts shoved down amongst the usual crap. It is all in remarkable condition and I'm sure will clean up very nicely. Rob........................rnixartillery.
  9. Just in today is this pretty rare and original LeFH 18/40, from my research this variant of the FH18 has survived in very small numbers and still on the original wooden wheels. Unfortunately German Artillery is not my thing so this is for sale if anyone out there wants a cheap WW11 German Artillery piece ! Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  10. And knowhow but its more a case of finding someone who will take on small one off jobs although he gets a constant trickle of unusual jobs from me and he will have a go at anything. Rob.........................rnixartillery.
  11. Hi Frankie, Thank you for the comment, No it wont be going out anywhere but if you are in the neighbourhood drop me a line and you are very welcome to come and have a look. Rob..........................rnixartillery.
  12. Hello Frankie, Another Artillery man is always good news , I can supply a 25 pdr Gun and limber but not the money to pay for it ! A package deal for 15k ,need to find a big box to send it in though. :laugh: Rob......................rnixartillery.
  13. One of the breech parts I was struggling to replace was the dog that attaches to the breech actuation shaft as the one on the Gun was in very poor condition, as one was not to be found I sent the knackered one to an engineering friend of mine to work his magic and this is what came back ! Rob......................rnixartillery.
  14. I am over in Normandy at the moment and Internet access is hit and miss, I have an update to post when I get home. Visited the old cheese factory at falais today although it has been shut down for a few years now since the opening of the new museum there are still some goodies parked up around the back. Rob..........rnixartillery the
  15. Correction, the pheasant ordnance was made by Royal Ordnance Factory Leeds (R.O.F.L). Its interesting to note the companies who manufactured certain parts for the production of these Artillery pieces, for example W&T Avery (the scale company) produced the Gun shields for 25 pdr as well as certain sight component's. Anyway here are more pictures of progress. Rob...................rnixartillery
  16. I actually sold the Weir 25 pdr but have two Baker Perkins and a Coventry Ordnance Works (COW) 25 pdr's left. The pheasant Ordnance and my 17 pdr are both Royal Ordnance Factory Nottingham (R.O.F.N).The 17 pounder carriage is Royal Carriage Depot ( RCD) What you need to remember is the carriages and ordnance were built by separate companies and then assembled in a plant such as Weirs. Weirs main effort in Artillery production was the re-design of the welded cradle and production of recouperators which really falls into their main line of manufacture in pumps. Rob.....................rnixartillery
  17. I was thinking about getting the 17 pdr, the pheasant and a 25 pdr out for a photo session ! :wow: Rob....................rnixartillery.
  18. I've just sold one and don't want another ! I don't collect vehicles anymore just Artillery. Rob......................rnixartillery.
  19. They were generally towed behind a 3 ton truck or Quads as one of the pictures in an earlier post shows ,as with anti-tank Artillery you don't need the quantity of ammunition that is required with field artillery, In theory one round equals one direct hit depending on the accuracy of the gun crew and range. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  20. Things are moving along nicely and with the exception of having the platform sandblasted and a bit of painting its getting there, I fitted the shield yesterday and have been fitting brackets etc today. When the pheasant was in brief service it didn't carry much kit on the gun itself and with it being in a direct fire role there was no need for the leather work and sighting gear that a 25 pdr would have carried. Although it would look great to have all this kit attached it would not be accurate . One stand out feature is the height of the barrel once fully elevated, I must remember to lower it before pulling out of the workshop because the door is quite a bit lower ! :nut: Rob...................rnixartillery.
  21. The 4.5" Limbers are very scarce here in the UK and I know of only three ,I do have two Martin Parry conversion sets here and they were removed from Gun carriages but I am not sure if the component's are the same but I should think they could be adapted ! Rob......................rnixartillery.
  22. That's were all the 'good stuff' is going at the moment , Rob has several of my pieces over there and the size of the items doesn't seem to phase him ! :nut: Rob..................rnixartillery.
  23. Thanks for the interest Chaps, so the weather was kind today and things came on leaps and bounds. Ordnance fitted VERY carefully as not to damage any paint work ,this really is a heavy lump of steal to have hanging on the front of a telehandler and with only an inch to play with things were tight. Anyhow I could not resist fitting some CES as I have been looking at it for the past couple of years in the back store room so it is now where it belongs. I also fitted the sight assembly which was another parts I restored some time ago along with the 'cut off' bar. Next task is to paint the Ring and fit the firing linkage. more pics for those interested upwards and onwards ! Rob...................rnixartillery
  24. Well after a very long wait and several other restorations later I now have enough space in the workshop to hopefully finish the Pheasant. The Gun was assembled in primer a couple of years back to make certain it would all fit together correctly which is how it has been since then. My son and I lifted the ordnance from the saddle last Saturday and the carriage was swiftly dismantled and prept ready for paint. We are weather dependant lifting the painted gun back on the carriage today making the whole thing more mobile and to progress while the enthusiasm is still with me ! Pics attached Rob..........................rnixartillery.
  25. Peter Jackson has quite a collection of WWI Artillery that he has been collecting up for a few years now ,much of it from the UK. Preparing for his take on the story of Gallipoli I think ! Rob....................rnixartillery.
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