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mick garner

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Everything posted by mick garner

  1. Hi Tyler, You'll probably get there, but how about getting back! :lol: Will you be in the Shorland when I see you at Gamlingay show? Cheers, Mick.
  2. Hi Richard, I done as you said and tried highlighting the code thingys. I pressed copy and Wow! The paste icon is there! I click paste and all it is does is display that code as a hyperlink, not a picture, when you click on it it just takes you to the home page of theimagehosting.com (the site I am registered on) and asks you if you want to register. Noooo! This evil computer has beaten me! I give up. Maybe I should just try feeding a photograph of the Ferret into the disk-drive and see if that works! :idea: :evil: :cry: :? Cheers anyway, Mick.
  3. Hi Tyler, Thats real nice, I see they adopted the same flourescent green colour for the gear stick too! :lol: Cheers, Mick
  4. Hi richard, I've heard many stories about tyre fitters getting seriously injured from split-rim tyres and rims.0ww! I thought changing a Ferret tyre was difficult! They weigh something like 76kg each! I should think the Militant tyres weigh twice as much. You're a brave man Richard! Cheers, Mick.
  5. Hi Richard, P.S Very Nice Militant, does she take 14.00x20.00 tyres. They are really hard to get now. Cheers, Mick.
  6. Hi Richard, I'll give it a go when I've got time but at the moment there are 1000 other things I need to do(as always). Cheers, Mick.
  7. Hi Enigma, It seems you like Saxon quite a bit then, one of my favorites is 747 Strangers in the Night. Cheers, Mick.
  8. Hi Lee, It's quite far for me, maybe be there, who knows? A lot bloody easier than all this picture business! Cheers, Mick.
  9. Hi all, I know some of the guys up there as I used to pass a lot on business. Once I was passing so I thought I'd pop in there for a while and see how they were doing. They were getting an M60 fired up at that precise moment, so the guy told me to get in (in my suit) so I did, we drove round their course a bit and the knife-edge took me by surprise! From what I can remember when they first started out the whole museum was basically a tank graveyard for post war kit. Can remember some Bren gun carriers and can also remember a nice Saladin being there. Cheers, Mick.
  10. AGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :twisted: :oops: :cry: :?
  11. Hi all, our ferret.jpg Please tell me this works Thanks Richard. Mick
  12. Hi all, I'm surprised no-ones mentioned Steppenwolfs 'Born to be Wild.' Cheers, Mick
  13. Hi all, I'm almost there, I have registered on a image hosting site and have an image of our ferret on there. In my images. But I am not exactly sure how to transfer images from there onto HMVF. Please Help!! :? :?: Cheers, Mick.
  14. Hi all, Any news on the badge? No worries about the image thing, It's not imperative that I post pictures, but thanks for the help anyway. I might try another image-hosting site. Maybe that will work. I think the whole problem is probably down to our PC being as slow as a tractor and about as trustworthy as a sly fox! I say 'trustworthy' because you will want it to do a certain task and it just won't do it. You might want it to save something important, save it twice just in case. Then again though as long as I can access the internet I don't care. Cheers, Mick.
  15. Hi, Are any of you going to Stoke Goldington steam rally on the 5th and 7th May? It's a good show, should be there if we have no major catastrophes with the Ferret. Cheers, Mick.
  16. Hi Richard, When I tried to register onto that image site it wouldn't let me. I'll just go on writing normal word messages. All it says is write the text out in the box above. So I do into the little box below it. And then it just says the same thing over and over again apart from with different text. Cheers, Mick.
  17. Hi all, In Reign of Fire are those fire-fighting trucks they use near-ish the start Renaults? Just wondered if anyone else knew. And I love the way that when the guy first sees the Chieftain parked up all he says is 'Big Tank.' Too right mate! Cheers, Mick.
  18. I store my Ferret in the ultimate of all sheds......A forty year old chicken shed.....I know it doesn't sound brilliant but it keeps the rain off it(ish) and yes..It has electric! You see before we had any kids I used to go shooting a lot, I gradually got to know many local farmers so if I need any storage I just go and ask them. Cheers, Mick.
  19. Hi Enigma, Enigma thats absolutely right, when I was trying to fix my Jimmy I started making grunting noises and calling the engine and basically the whole vehicle every swear word in the book. The farmer who owned the shed it was in could hear me shouting and swearing and he sort of used to walk away. Usually he's a nice old chap always come and speak to you. But on these occasions he stays well away! Cheers, Mick.
  20. Hi all, It all sounds like bit of a disney story, man finds treasure map, unearths massive place buried underneath the ground for 65 years. Truly amazing, why couldn't I have bought that map from that car boot sale. I heard that all the German kit left in there was basically in pristine condition. The damp, musty air just must have preserved everyting somehow. But wouldn't that just make your day if you find a humungous German bunker in excellent condition which had been buried for 60 years. I think the guy is opening it as a tourist attraction so i'll have to go and see it when it opens. Thanks, Mick.
  21. Hi all, I knew that the fox was fast but 70 was about flat out according to my knowledge. 95 mph! I thought 60 in a Ferret was fast! I've overtaken steam engines, tractors,(the usual) even a Renault Laguna whilst driving to Duxford MV show. He was going 45 and I just thought "I can go faster than this!" so I floored it, asked the son if I could pull out into the "fast" lane and with a quick flick of the steering wheel I was past him. I could vaguely see the son laughing at him as we drove past and according to the son he looked mighty pi**ed off. I've always loved the Fox for it's looks and power but I just think that if I was offered another vehicle like a 432 or even a rough Abbot I would just have to take the tracked option. I have just always wanted to own something tracked. So you can really say " I have a tank." Instead of saying "I own an armoured car." But I just cannot beleive that insane speed you can drive a 6 ton armoured vehicle and yet still have more yet to come. Cheers, Mick
  22. Hi richard and tyler, Richard that badge looks really good, maybe if we were to reproduce it on a T-Shirt we could swap the colours around, have white for the writing/ tire tread and that stuff and then have olive green as the actual shirt colour. Maybe we should launch into our own merchandise buisness making T.E.A.M pencilcases, books , pens, pencils, T-shirts!! We could make millions!! And then have a real large collection of MV's and launch into a show even bigger than Beltring! :lol: :!: :idea:
  23. Hi all, I've heard that the Fox is so light and fast and at the same time top heavy that it used to tip up a lot when going round corners, has anyone ever had any bad experiences with Foxes on here? cheers, mick.
  24. Hi tyler and richard, I'm sorry but my computer knowledge has let me down, I would try and get something done but I can't be asked to and have other things to do. I tried to do something with our T.E.A.M badge but for some reason our computer just starts to spread images of our ferret all over the screen. And eh, just another question, how do you post images onto here? cheers guys, Mick.
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